The art collection assembled by American fashion designer Herbert Kasper †known simply as Kasper...
⁆acing Out, Facing In: Figurative Works from the Michener Art Museum Collection,†on view...
Recognized today as a highly coveted and unique form of American folk art, wildfowl decoys represent...
A white Carrara marble carving, the 1898 work ⁔hree Native Americans in Battle,†or ⁉ndians...
Even the most persnickety shopper could have found plenty to buy for those stockings hung by the fire...
Just like the mailman, the antiques dealers and collectors were not deterred by an early morning...
The Concord Armory in this historic Massachusetts village was the scene for more than 40 exhibiting...
A special exhibition of European portrait painting, featuring works by master artists from the late...
Works by Diego Rivera, Fernando Botero, Rufino Tamayo and Beatriz Milhazes realized top prices...
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036