A new show in the Lillian Gillman stable of events, The Westport Garden and Antiques Show, aired at the Bedford School over the weekend of May 1. The show was hampered by a perfect spring day on Saturday that surely kept the locals in their own gardens, but a rainy day on Sunday had the gardening community out in force.
“We did get a lot of comments from everybody that came through the show, commented Gillman, “they all said it was really pretty.” Gillman reported that garden antiques were the big sellers with urns, garden benches, wicker and garden statuary moving steadily from the floor. “Paintings and lots of smalls” were also selling well according to the manager.
The show, a benefit for the student run radio station at the local high school, has always been well supported by the community, according to Gillman. “The town has always supported this show and they come out and buy.”
The booth of the Brayers was also a popular spot for the local ladies as a wide selection of estate jewelry was offered with rdf_Descriptions ranging from watches, bracelets and necklaces to Tiffany pins.
Jaffe and Thurston offered a varied assortment of wares from Mount Washington glass to lacy examples. Their booth also featured an extensive selection of paintings and a nice Sheraton three-drawer sewing table with work bag. Marilyn Saland displayed a varied selection of furniture ranging from French flavored tables to a good looking pair of paint decorated thumb back Windors, while across the aisle Ed and Shelia Hylan offered a demure Federal secretary along with country rdf_Descriptions such as a dry sink and painted stools and benches.
Bungalo Bill was also on hand for the show with a wide assortment of tiles that included scenics, florals and animal themes from both the Victorian and Arts and Crafts period.
The popular garden/antiques show will return to Westport next year, although, according to Gillman, the dates will be moved up a couple weeks with the show scheduled for April 9-10. The next show for Lillian Gillman will be her Fall Harvest show in October.