The long lines that characterized past shows of Antiques Week in New Hampshire will be foregone this year as Deerfield moves into a sprawling fairgrounds and three of the other events will present online shows on their scheduled event dates.
ONLINE & DEERFIELD, N.H. – Antiques Week in New Hampshire, long a marquee mainstay in the antique collecting calendar, will not bow to the pandemic as three of the six events have scheduled online shows and one has moved outside to the sprawling Deerfield Fairgrounds.
The Socially Distant Deerfield Antique Show
Event Date: August 2
Show promoters Rachel and Josh Gurley have signed up more than 100 dealers to present an outdoor antiques show at the Deerfield Fairgrounds in Deerfield, N.H., on August 2. Many of the dealers on the roster include those who are normally seen selling at the various shows throughout the week. The show will run 9 am to 3 pm. Masks are required and social distancing must be maintained. To learn more, read the full story here or http://www.gurleyantiqueshows.com/.
MidWeek One Day Antiques Fair
Event Date: August 5-7
For MidWeek’s 26th edition, the event will run online August 5-7 on RubyLane.com. Show manager Frank Gaglio said he is shooting for approximately 50 dealers to join the online event. He says the show will offer everything normally found at MidWeek, including Americana, folk art, fine art, ceramics, textiles and more. To learn more, read the full story here or https://www.barnstar.com/.
Antiques In Manchester: The Collector’s Fair
Event Date: August 5-12
Approximately 35 dealers will sell online at http://www.antiquesinmanchester.com for this show’s 2020 event, normally held at the St Anselm Arena in Concord, N.H. In the spirit of the show’s mantra of “making connections,” the marketplace will offer in-page video chatting during show hours on the first two days of the event as a means to connect with dealers about their items listed for sale in the online marketplace. To learn more, read the full story here or http://www.antiquesinmanchester.com/.
The New Hampshire Antiques Show
Event Date: August 6-8
Forty-five dealers from the New Hampshire Antiques Dealers Association will present an online show for the 63rd New Hampshire Antiques Show August 6-8. A link to the show will be available at http://www.nhada.org. Exhibitors will offer the same quality and fresh material that the show has become known for throughout its long and storied history. To learn more, read the full story here or www.nhada.org.