NEWPORT, R.I. — The Redwood Library and Athenaeum will host its annual seminar on Saturday, June 10, at 1:30 pm, on the theme of “Colonial Classics: The Redwood Library & American Architecture in the Eighteenth Century.”
The scheduled speakers include Caroline Culp, Stanford University, “Peter Harrison and the Redwood Library;” Fabio Barry, Stanford University, “Jefferson’s Trans-Plantation at Monticello: Antiquity and Anxiety;” Mario Bevilacqua, University of Florence, “Piranesi in Eighteenth-Century America: Ancient Models for the New Nation;” and Carl R. Lounsbury, College of William and Mary, “Metropolitan Prototypes and Provincial Filters: Public Building in Eighteenth Century British America.”
Peter Harrison designed the library itself to be impressive from the harbor. He also designed other notable buildings in Rhode Island, and was among the builders bringing Georgian design standards to America.
As the A4 Architecture Inc. blog explains, the diagram shown here comes from Palladio’s Fourth Book of Architecture. The photo shows the part of the Redwood Library that Harrison designed. There are similarities.
Tickets are $60 per person. For reservations or more information, 401-847-0292, ext. 117.