J.C. Devine, Inc recently brought to market the firearms collection of Ohioan J.C. Milner at the Wayfarer Convention Center.
The feature attraction of this collection, offered August 10, was a Colt Texas Paterson revolver, serial #37. The 165-year-old Colt had been unknown to most, having been retained by the collector’s granddaughter since his death 28 years ago. This firearm sold for $63,000.
A rare Smith & Wesson .320 revolving rifle also came to the block. Smith & Wesson manufactured these revolvers between 1879 and 1887. The gun showed no evidence of being fired. It was sold in its original maroon leatherette covered compartmented case for $23,000.
A pair of cased 1862 Colt police revolvers and accessories caught serious interest and left the auction for $15,500.
The rare pistol by London’s famous gun manufacturing firm J. Purdey of London found itself in the list of top sellers. The Purdey .54 caliber, double barrel percussion pistol, serial #3105 manufactured in 1838, in its case with all accessories, is returning to England after selling for $13,800.
A John Rigby & Co. percussion double rifle sold to an aggressive bidder for $9,200. A beautiful S&W first model Ladysmith revolver with pearl grips reached $1,950, while a Dakota Arms .22 caliber bolt-action sporter sold for $4,250.
An unusual looking European air rifle with ball-shaped reservoir drew some strange looks from many, but in the end left the auction for $3,350. A fine quality English percussion target rifle by George Gibbs was also a star of the auction, having sold for $4,945.