ELLSWORTH, MAINE — Woodlawn was in luck this year when John Forster, owner of Barometer Fair from Sarasota, Fla., signed up to exhibit in the Ellsworth Antiques Show in August.

Multitasking: John Forster works on Woodlawn’s barometer, which he was able to repair while exhibiting at the Ellsworth Antiques Show.
Forster specializes in barometer restoration and repair and was able to bring Woodlawn’s signed Bapa(tiste) Ronchetti barometer back to working order. He completed the repairs during the antiques show and the barometer was promptly returned to the wall just outside John Black’s office on the main floor of the Black House.
Ronchetti was an Italian barometer maker who moved to Manchester, England, in 1785. He was a prolific producer of fine instruments from 1785 to 1810. In his work summary, Forster noted Woodlawn’s barometer is a four-dial, mahogany veneered pine instrument with parts dating to 1790 and some dated 1835. He also noted that it has an unusual hygrometer not often seen on early barometers.
Barometer Fair is the trade name for John Forster, who has been buying, selling and restoring antique barometers since 1979. Forster also does appraisals and has quite a collection of corkscrews and globes. For more information, www.barometerfair.com
Woodlawn’s main house is open for tours May 1–October 31 and December 1–23. The public park is open year round, sunrise to sunset, 19 Black House Drive. For more information, www.woodlawnmuseum.org.