Treasureseeker Summer Estate Antique & Decorative Arts Auction Live Online
Sunday, July 15th, 2018 at 11am PST
Preview: Saturday, July 14th,11am-4pm PST (at our gallery)
123 W. Bellevue Drive, Suite 2,
Pasadena, California 91105 |
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626 529-5775 daily 11am – 4pm PST
Treasureseeker Auctions LLC
Once again we are offering for sale a wonderful selection of quality antiques from several estates including an Orange Grove Blvd Pasadena home having wonderful Asian antiques, including a collection of Japanese woodblock prints including 3 triptychs, cloisonne enamel, SATSUMA, rare Chinese YIXING bowl, terra cotta dragon jardiniere and pedestal, 2 Japanese silk Obis, an assortment of lacquerware, and many other decorative items.
Also included in this sale will be a bronze singing bird box, MEISSEN, fabulous Belle Epoque shell & jewel Austrian table lamp, pair of monumental DRESDEN porcelain urns, Federal period wire fire screen, Italian micro mosaic paperweight, sgd BUCCELLATI 7pc vanity set, assortment of American art pottery including a rare and important one of a kind sgd TECO nude and satyr figural vase, ROOKWOOD, FULPER, ROSEVILLE, COWAN, NATZLER, SCHEIER, art glass, LALIQUE, DAUM NANCY, BACCARAT crystal falcon, ARGY ROUSSEAU pendant, several EDINBURGH cut crystal pieces, MURANO, 156pc WEDGWOOD china in Whitehall pattern, FLORA DANICA cup & saucer, assortment of chinoiserie furniture and tray tables, 2 antique grandfather clocks, 2 vintage oak time clocks, CARTIER desk clock, jewelry, amber beaded necklaces, mens ROLEX wristwatch, art nouveau items, including fabulous carved wood mirror with flamingo, Vienna bronzes, paintings by RICO LEBRUN, WILLIAM HESTHAL, RAYMOND CUEVAS, PAUL GRIMM, JOHN ROSS KEY, NORMAN LLOYD, ALFREDO LANUS, FREDERICK J. WAUGH, prints including 3 JOSEPH HOLSTON etchings, 2 ROCKWELL KENT lithographs one with provenance from Kent’s granddaughter, LEONARD BASKIN, silver and enamel cigarette cases, toleware fire screen, antique frames including an assortment of silver frames, more old Hollywood photos, fabulous antique Venetian mirror, and so much more!
’Dancing Fox’ Japanese Woodblock sgd Koson
John Ross Key ‘Peonies’ Painting
Large Champleve, Jade & Bronze Box Meiji Period
Rico LeBrun ‘Crucifixion’ Abstract Painting
Antique Grandfather Clocks
Early Chinese Yixing Pottery Bowl
Joseph Holston ‘Function at the Junction’ Etching
Large Frederick J. Waugh Seascape Painting
Rockwell Kent ‘Wake Up America’ Lithograph w provenance from Kent’s granddaughter
Antique Venetian Wall Mirror
Greisbaum Singing Bird Box
Kreussen Style 8 Kings Stein
Large Japanese Cloisonne Vase Meiji Period
Tole 3 Section Painted Fire Screen
Art Nouveau Carved Wood ‘Flamingo & Frog’ Mirror
International Time Recording Co. Antique Oak Time Clock
La Bertetti Torino ‘Jungla’ Porcelain Figure
Pair of Meissen Blue Onion Sweet Meat Dishes
3 Large Sevres Porcelain Bird Pitchers
’Butterflies’ Cloisonne Charger Meiji Period
Japanese Chest with Metal Studs
Lalique ‘Royat’ Moulded & Frosted Vase
Pair of Sevres Lamps w Hand Painted Birds
156pc Wedgwood Whitehall Bone China Set
Charles Georges Ferville Suan Art Nouveau Bronze
Japanese Woodblock Triptych ‘Boats’ Meiji Period
Lapis Box with Gilt Dore Bronze Crawling Lizard
Rare & Important one of a kind Teco Figural Vase
Antique Belle Epoque
Austrian Shell & Jewel Lamp
Antique Grand Tour Micromosaic Paperweight
Chinese Silver & Enamel Tea Box w Jadeite
Chinoiserie Lacquered Teabox
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036