Brzostek’s Unreserved Real Estate & Contents Auction
Thursday, August 2, at `0 am
Preview: 9-10 am
216 Worth St.
Fulton, NY 13069
Directions: (Located off Rt. 48, between Gansvoort St. & Hannibal St.)
Auctioning for the Estate of the late Michael Gorton of Fulton, NY-Features: Furniture: Oak curved glass china cabinet, Mission Oak Buffet, Oak 3 gl. Door bookcase, Oak dinette table & 4 T-back chairs; Collectibles: 40+ Vintage Jack-in-the-Box toys some w/original boxes-Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, 50+ Character banks-Star Trek, POTA & Star Wars; Tin & Cast iron toys, Cast iron banks, Wind-up toys, trains, Battery Op. Toys, 100+ Character & TV board games, Horror Movie Posters, Vintage Atlantic City Candy boxes, Album of Atlantic City Postcards, 100+ of Vintage Souvenir Pennants, German Souvenir China, Comics, MADS, Planters Peanut Store jar, Mammy Cookie jar, Motion lamp, Vintage Halloween Costumes, Hire’s Clock, Beer advertising signs, crates, trays, bottles, 100+ Vintage beer cans, 100+ Beer tap knobs, openers, 100+ Beer mugs, thousands of baseball, football, basketball & hockey cards-Stars & Rookies & sets; Mr. Gordon’s Personal collection of Sgn. Baseball Photos-DiMaggio, Duke Snider, Reggie Jackson, Cap Ripken; Sgn. Baseballs, Sports programs, Sport Pennants, Ernie Davis Flyer, Huge Coll. Of Vintage Sports Wheaties boxes, Milk bottles, postcards, Posters, Early Advertising, Coke Bottles, Soda Advertising, Joe Namath Elec. Football game, Collectible reference books, Elvis Souvenir magazines, Hallmark ornaments, 1,000+ Pcs. of Syracuse China, plus much more!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036