Swann Auction Galleries Early Printed, Medical,
Scientific & Travel Books
Including Philippine Imprints
Preview: October 12, 10-6; October 13, 12-5;
October 15, 10-6; October 16, 10-12
104 East 25th St,
New York, NY 10010
• tel 212 254 4710 • SWANNGALLERIES.COM
Specialist: Tobias Abeloff • tabeloff@swanngalleries.com
Isaac Newton, Two Treatises of the Quadrature of Curves, first edition in English, London, 1745. Estimate $4,000 to $6,000.
Giovanni Boccaccio, De las mujeres illustres en romance, Zaragoza, 1494. Estimate $20,000 to $30,000.
José González Cabrera Bueno, Navegación Especulativa, y Práctica, Manila, 1734. Estimate $8,000 to $12,000.
Giovanni Boccaccio, De claris mulieribus, third edition of the first published work of female biography, Louvain, 1487. Estimate $15,000 to $25,000.
Heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir, printed Book of Hours with
20 full-page illustrations, Paris, 1509. Estimate $6,000 to $9,000.
Jean La Fontaine, Fables Choisies, mises en Vers, first edition of books 1-6, Paris, 1668. Estimate $10,000 to $15,000.
Titus Livius, Las Quatorze Decadas, Zaragoza, 1520. Estimate $3,000 to $5,000.
Jean de Mandeville, Reysen und Wanderschafften durch das Gelobte Land, Strassburg, 1488. Estimate $15,000 to $25,000.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036