J.J. Keating’s Auction Gallery
Route 1 North,
Kennebunk, Maine
Saturday, October 13
at 9 a.m.
Inspection: Friday, October 12, (12-4 p.m.
Saturday, October 13 (8 – 10 a.m.)
Or By Appointment
Clocks: Abel Stowell & Son, Charlestown 60” banjo clock; Samuel Hill, Sheffield, James Reith, London, Richard Gilkes, Adderbury grandfather clocks; Jefferson etc. mantle clocks.
Art: Primitive couple portrait; Moses Soyer oil ; John C. Salmon Conwy England landscape; Walter Firle Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria OOC; Ships in Harbor OOC w/buoy; Peter Kraemer II oil on board; Jose Belon OOC; Cora Bragdon still life; Hudson River style oil; F. La Montague dry point; W. Cushing seascape; Game birds OOC; W. L. Hankey “Marie Helen”; A. Herrick, Bethel, ME oil; M. Waterman portrait; S. Fox Cape Elizabeth etching; Vincent Crotty oils; A. McEvoy self-portrait; A. Lincoln, J. C. Fremont, etc. engravings; Dobie/Sadler lithograph; A. Church “Charles Morgan” photo; W. Nutting interior.
Glass & China: Pair MP Sevres blue/green glazed garnitures; R. C. Derby Old Amesbury china set & tea set w/tray; Early Delft chargers; Mason’s Ironstone tureen; Meissen tea set & gilt dish; Ridgway “Asiatic Palaces” & Scenic Staffordshire; Steuben candle sticks; A. J. Hall biscuit jar; 12 Crescent & 14 Tischenreuth decorated service plates; English tobacco jar; Lambeth Doulton pitcher. Empire Works portrait chargers; Adams Titian Ware; Soft paste; Fulper; Roseville; Majolica; ABC plates; Amethyst glass; Steins. Oriental & Hooked Rugs.
Silver: Early silver teapot, sugar & creamer; Repousse silver 4 pc. tea set; Sterling flatware sets (Lunt “Mignonette”, Towle “Silver Flutes”, Durgin “Shell” etc.); Silver coffee & chocolate pots; Dutch silver dessert set; French silver snuff box; Silver candelabras; Sterling & Coin silver lots. Louis Vuitton attaché case. Judaica spice tower. Jewelry: Gold & silver: rings, earrings, watches, etc. Bronzes: 28” Japanese bronze tiger on base w/striated stripes; Oscar Berchmans Northwind 15.5” inkwell; Juan Clara “Girl on a Stool”; Japanese bronze vase.
Oriental: Chinese porcelain moon flask; Rose Canton, Mandarin & Medallion, Celadon; Imari lamps; Chinese stand & cabinet; Oriental watercolors. Lamps: Green slag glass lamp; World’s Fair Saturn glass lamp; Student’s lamp; J. D. Brown lantern etc. Penny foot rush light; Mirror sconces.
Furniture:Sheraton 61” inlaid bow front sideboard; Queen Anne half fan highboy; 5 drawer Chippendale curly maple bureau; Hepplewhite 3’10” settee; Sheraton bow front bureaus & 6 chairs w/ satinwood inlay; Chippendale Newport tea table w/carved knees; Santo Domingo mahogany table; Federal inlaid secretary; Sheraton game table w/rosewood; Chippendale & Windsor chairs; Hepplewhite desk on chest in old paint; Candle, drop leaf stands & tables; Decorated dressing table; Pembroke & country work tables; Custom inlaid sideboard; Inlaid fruitwood vitrine; Adams style floral decorated dressing table; Centennial Chippendale style highboy; KITTINGER block front bureau-Chippendale drop leaf table-inlaid drop leaf stand.
Company of Craftsmen piecrust table; Blue leather wing chair & ottoman; Mahogany Dental cabinet; 3 pedestal 96” console table; Eastlake shaving stand; Renaissance Revival fruitwood chair w/brass mount; Oak glass door bookcase; Haskell & Son bench; Mahogany library table; 8 Carolean style upholstered chairs; Queen Anne style dining set & wing chairs. Of Interest: A.E. Crowell Maker Shorebird; Autograph collection: A. Earhart, H. Keller, H. Hoover, J. Dempsey, F. Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, S. Temple, etc. Notable autograph rejection letters; A. Edouart silhouette; Scrimshaw powder horn engraved Andrew Thurman 1767 St. Augustine; Quilts, coverlets, paisleys; Lyndes 23.5” carved eagle; Brass spyglass; Teledyne Gurley surveyor’s transit; Impressive French iron Wine Rack; Antique Fire Marks; Phila. brass andirons; J. Davis Boston bell metal skillet; Brass fire fender & footman; Native American & Country baskets; Snuff box “Youth without Folly–”; De Maelzel metronome; Bookends; Trunks in old paint, wallpapered, grained; J. Osborne, Kennebunk 1811 trunk; Cast iron train set; Game boards & games; Shaker carrier, peg rack, measure, & brush; Red wash stand (Shaker?); Redware: Miniature jugs, Winslow & Co, etc. signed banks, decorated & black splotched; Bennington & Rockingham pottery; Goodwin ovoids, J. C. Herlihy, Bangor, stone ware. J. Durgin Portland ovoid jug; Portland Stoneware pitcher.
Selling @ 9 A.M.: Books: The Descendants of Hugh Amory, 2 vols.; Memorial History of Boston,, 4 vols.; Military; Leather bounds; Bibles; Children’s books.
Loewe Opta radio; Butler & tile top tables; Tea cart; Lamps, Prints, Mirrors; Country; Antique planes, photo albums, & chairs; Pipes collection.
See our website: jjkeating.com
Terms: Cash or approved check. 17 1/2% Buyer’s Premium,
MC/Visa (discounted to 15% for check or cash)
Tel: 1.207.985.2097
Fax: 1.855.409.3682
James & Richard Keating. ME Lic 056 & 424
Kent J. Driscoll lic. #1023
Email: jkeating@gwi.net
A. E. Crowell
Maker Shorebird
Abel Stowell 60 inch
Banjo Clock
Prince Regent of Bavaria
Country Selection
Sevres Urns Portrait Country
Signed Japanese
28 inch
Bronze Tiger
Inlaid Vitrine Wine Rack
J. Reith Clock Federal Secretary Moses Soyer Dressing Table
Oriental Porcelain
Redware, Stone ware, Maine Pottery
Saml Hill Clock
Delft Fine Furniture
Fine Silver
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036