Fusco Live & Online Public Stamp Auction #130
4740 Beidler Rd. Willoughby, Ohio 44094
October 20, 2018 @ 11:00 AM EST
Preview: Wednesday-Friday, 10-5, the week of the auction
Saturday morning from 8-11:00
U.S. and Foreign Singles & Collections, Large Lots and Dealer Stocks
This Auction features country collections from the amazing J.S. and Ken
Nilsestuen Scott International Junior Collection Part III
William Harris Award Winning Exhibition Pages Part II
Irv Bayer Match and Medicine Collection Part III
Dealer Stock Selections from the Estates of Robert Haeseler and Ron Katz
Arctic and Antarctic Cover Lots
Excellent Postcard, Philatelic Literature and Ephemera Lots
Paul Fusco
Frank Jurkoshek
Licensed and Bonded in favor
of the State of Ohio
Please visit our website for more details, full description and color photos. Absentee and phone bids are accepted until 10:00am, auction day.
Realtime bidding on four websites. Paper catalogs available upon request. Downloadable catalogs are available on our website.
Absentee bids accepted in our office and via www.stampauctionnetwork.com until midnight on Friday night before the auction.
Auction Listing and Color Photos
can be found at:
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036