Saturday, November 3rd at 10 am
10 Bishop Avenue, Worcester, MA
Preview: 8 am rain or shine
Gwen Glass-Carbone, MA Auction Lic #1647
Highlights: signed in red Gustav Stickley 2 door bookcase; Bourn-Hadley mission oak style desk; 3 pc oak bedroom set with horseshoe pulls; walnut drop leaf tables, chest; empire card table; oak tables; 3 buffets; oak fi le cabinet; oak bureaus; oak sewing desk; oak rockers; chairs; mahogany acorn top bedroom set; old cane back wheelchair; cedar chest; oak wardrobe; Victorian corner stand.
Toys: American Flyer trains; wind up Dick Tracy #1 squad car; 2 wind up racers; tow truck; green tractor; Structo dump truck; old ambulance; Adams motor grader; old tin hook and ladder fi re truck; Super 6 junior metal payloader; Coast to Coast Express truck; tin baseball game.
Old Radios, Records, Sheet Music, Cameras: Grundig Majestic fl oor model radio;
Regentone radio; Vintage Motorola radio; Stromberg Carlson bakelite radio; fl oor model Zenith radio; Viking Challenger Transmitter; Lafayette 6 meter band transceiver; Pioneer speakers, turntable; Marantz model 140 power amp; Kenwood receiver; Drake 2-C Receiver.
Collectibles: Wedgewood, Belleek, Roseville, Limoges, Heisey; early oriental rectangular dish; harbor scene oil by R Eames; 50 WWII War Bond posters; Victorian, gold, costume jewelry; mini gutta purcha case; sterling silver jewelry; stick pins; a few coin spoons; Ringling Bros. Programs from 40s & 50s; trombone by F.E. Olds and Sons; cloisonné lamp; 2 oriental runners; fl oral hooked rugs; log cabin quilt; needlepoint 25 scene wall hanger; sets of leather books; 9 stamp albums; ship’s clock and barometer, Chelsea U.S. Navy Clock; hand tools; wooden wheel barrow; old Volvo car parts; Western Flyer wagon; wooden sleds; parts to old loom; old go cart and much more.
For complete listing and 100 photos —, auctioneer id # 3925
Terms: Cash, CC, 15% buyer’s premium.
Robert H. Glass Auctions, LLC
(860) 564-7318
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036