Tuesday November 27 @ 5 pm
Preview 2:30
Jarvis Center, 40 Andrew Jarvis Dr
Portsmouth NH
Note: Boyd Auctions will be selling the contents of
New Castle, New Hampshire estate
along with items from a Gloucester, MA estate.
DIRECTIONS: 1-95, N/S exit 5 to Portsmouth traffic circle • Bear right onto
the Rte 1 by-pass south • Take a left at the fourth set of lights left onto
Lafayette Rd, then the first right onto Andrew Jarvis Drive •
The hall is behind St Nicholas Church (near Portsmouth High School)
FURNITURE: American Queen Anne maple chest on Chest, Queen Anne highboy, QA slant front w/ shell carved interior, Hepplewhite bookcase w/ inlaid, American cherry 4 drawer dresser w/bracket base, NE maple 4 drawer dresser, Sheraton card table, maple tavern table, Hepplewhite stand, Amer sewing stand, 2 drawer work stand w/rope leg, Amer cookie corner stand, Empire game table w/ inlaid, tiger maple chest w/cookie corner, English Chippendale cabinet, music cabinet w/inlaid door, Queen Anne drop leaf table, pine tavern table w/stretcher base, NE blanket chest in red paint, snake foot candle stand, Corner wash stand, barrister back chairs, pine blanket chest, (4) paint dec chairs (8) paint dec chairs, Georgian side board, mahogany serving table w/cookie corner, Federal sofa w/ inlaid, mahogany vitrine, wing chairs, bow front dresser, banister back chairs, Hepplewhite chairs
ACCESSORIES: American maple tall case clock George Rea, Hepplewhite tall case clock, Aaron Willard Banjo clock, Seth Thomas brass ships clocks, black marble clock, wag on the wall clock, Japanned pole screen, Camphor wood trunks, American samplers 1823 Charlestown, MA Eunice Wyman, 1817 multiplication tables sampler Rebecca Hikman, 1825 Amer sampler Nancy Richardson & 3 others, American theorem, appliqué quilts, wool blankets, antique urn top oval mirror, Chippendale mirrors, knife box, dome top box, German spinning wheel, tole-ware trays, 3 half hulls, carved eagle, framed ships diorama, French cut to clear newel posts, collection of brass candlesticks w/Boston Sandwich glass cut to clear overlay whale oil peg lamps, oil lamps, lot of brass hardware, early brass fire tools, jam hooks, cast iron doorstops, miniature decoys, early fire helmet, sewing bird, patch boxes, leather bound book sets, Asian reference books, bibles TOYS: cast iron still banks, antique tin horse & carriage, cast iron horse & buggy, Gunthermann German tin carousel, lead soldiers, pull toys, Hubley truck, Marx, China doll heads, doll furniture & tea sets, miniatures, wood puzzles
ESTATE RUGS: Ivory field Serapi 9.6 x12, Rust field Heriz 11 x12.6, Mahal 8.8 x 9.10, Fereghan runner3.4 x15.8, Bidjar 3.8 x5.4, Heriz runner 3.7×13.9, S.W. Persian 3.4 x16.3, Hamadan, Bergamo, Turkoman, Afshar 3.9×5.6, Sennah 3.7 x 4.8, Native American Dazzler blanket, hooked rugs inc ship scene ORIENTALIA: Several Korean chests w/iron hardware, several sets of 19th c carved Chinese chairs, stands, lacquer-ware, multi arm Buddha w/Mandela, 19th c standing Buddha, Japanese immortal incense burner, w/c of a phoenix, Chinese porcelain, Imari, Rose Medallion umbrellas stand, Satsuma, textiles, scrolls, mirror, carved ivory figurines,
ARTWORK: Portrait of Emily Lawrence by Julian Story, o/c coastal scene Dey DeRibcowski, 3 oils by Robert Stephenson, several Victorian floral paintings, pr of Venetian paintings, o/c lily pond, o/c C Wieners, o/c English landscape J Manse, Allegorical scene, Early Boston prints Hyde Park & Public Gardens, English hunt prints, Rockingham House Print, “Birds Eye View of Portsmouth, 1851 plan of Portsmouth, Greenland & Newington JEWELRY & SILVER: 14k & diamond bracelet, diamond & emerald ring, gold bracelets, 14k Zenith wrist watch, 18k pocket watch, cufflinks, gold lots, costume lots, 1 Silver troy pound coin, pr of Danish silver bowls, sev lots partial sets of sterling flatware & serving pieces, collection of vinaigrettes, snuff boxes, match holders, liquor tags
GLASS & CHINA: Large collection of Staffordshire animals, figurines & pastille burners, blue & white transfer-ware, “Alms House NY platter, luster friendship jug, Leeds, Ridgeway pitcher & bowl, Boehm birds, German porcelain grouping, Meissen figurine, Bing & Grondahl, Lalique, Steuben, paper weights, amethyst glass, Quimper vases, Gaudy Dutch tureen & plates, pink lustre set, copper lustre, Spode “Gloucester”, Bennington, cranberry glass
TERMS: 10% buyers premium | cash or check on approval |
all items subject to error | catered | no internet bids or phone bids
Phone day of sale 603-498-3131 or 207-439-6641 | PO Box 294 Eliot, ME
Maureen Boyd, NH lic. #2821, John Boyd NH lic. #4010
PO Box 294 | Eliot, ME 03903 | (207)439-6641
Ivory Field Serapi 9′ x 12′
Cherry Bow Front Chest
Early Lighting
Ivory Madona
1817 sampler multiplication
Staffordshire collection
Gunthermann carousal
Sampler 1823 Charlestown
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036