Antique & Modern Guns – Military – Collectible – Sporting
Friday, December 7 and Saturday, December 8 at 10 AM
Preview Friday & Saturday 8 AM through Auction
1500 Paxton Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104
Applicable Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out of state checks w/ prior approval.
All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. FFL#8-23-043-01-9J-04477.
Located off Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg PA!
WWI Purple Heart
Sporting Rifles and Shotguns
Semi Automatic Handguns Samurai Swords
Perry and Lancaster Co Rifles
Modern Rifles incl Military
Military Rifles
Mauser Broomhandles Military Handguns
M1903 Springfield Parade Nickel
German SS
Francotte Knock About
Fishing lures
Aviation Log
Atlanta Police Win M1873
Uncataloged Lots
Many Large and Varied Lots — All Categories!
AMMO: Massive and Varied Amount, Most Calibers and Gauges; Bandolier Tins. MILITARIA: Uniforms; Medals; Bayonets; Swords; Insignia; Patches. RELOADING: Powder; Large Selection Dies; Bullets; Casings; Mec 600 Jr Shotgun Press. ACCESSORIES/PARTS: Holsters; Gun Cases; Scopes; Gun Stocks; Clips; M1 Parts. OTHER: Traps; Fishing Lures and Rods; Camping Equipment; Taxidermy; Game News; Ammo Boxes; Prints; Gun Cabinets & Safes; Swords; Knives; Clay Targets; Tactical Gear; Horns.
Additions Being Made Until Day of Auction!
400+ Cataloged Lots
ANTIQUE: Allen & Thurber Pepperbox; Fancy Middle Eastern Long Guns; Colt Army Percussion Revolver; Winchester M1873 Rifle from Atlanta Police Department, Lettered; Francotte 20g Knock-About Gun, Engraved; More. MILITARY LONG GUNS: Italian Carcanos; Mauser G 33/40 Carbine; M1 Garands; Choice US Springfield M1922 M2; Remington M1917; Russian WWWII Tokarev; US M1 Carbine by Inland.
MILITARY HANDGUNS: WWII Japanese Type 94 Nambu Pistol with Holster; 12+ Sauer & Sohn Model 38H WWII Pistols w/ Holsters; 3 Mauser Broomhandles; M1911 A1 WWII Pistols; Makarovs; Japanese Type 26 Revolver; WWII Mauser Model HSC; Colt Commando WWII .38 Special Revolver; Two Webley Mark VI Revolvers; Three Mauser M1914 Pistols; Radom V15 Model 35; WWII Femaru; Lugers; Walther AC43 P38 Pistol; Russian TT33 WWII Pistol; More. LONG GUNS: Marlin Golden 39 A .22, Winchester Model 70 in .270 Caliber; Winchester Model 1200 Tactical 12 Gauge Shotgun; Winchester Model 43 Bolt Rifle in 218 Bee Caliber; Springfield Armory Inc MIA w/ Scope; FN-Fal Semi-Auto in .308 Cal; Walther Bolt Rifle .22 Cal; Remington Model 700 .35 Whelen Cal w/w Scope; Ruger 10/22 w/ Scope; Ruger Mini 14; Chinese SKS w/ Scope; Marlin 336 A Lever Action; Colt AR 15 Match Target w/ Optics; Savage M1933 NRA .22 Match Rifle; Remington Matchmaster .22 Bolt Rifle; Remington 870 TB 12 Gauge Trap Gun; Pre-1964 Winchester Model 94’s; Scarce Winchester Model 24 Side by Side 16 Gauge; Marlin Papoose Take Down .22 in Case; Two Thompson Center .50 Cal In Line Muzzleloaders— Like New; Charles Daly Miroku Over-Under 12 Gauge; Many Shotguns.
HANDGUNS: Smith & Wesson Model 60-1 .357 Cal; Smith & Wesson Model 57-1 .41 Magnum; Colt 1908 Vest Pocket Pistol .25 Auto Cal; Savage M1907 .32 Cal; Savage M1907 .380 Cal; Colt Python .357 Cal; Ruger Vaquero 45 Cal; Smith & Wesson Model 5906 9 MM Cal; Colt Diamondback .22 Cal; Smith & Wesson Model 57 .41 Magnum Cal; Two Colt Government Model Series 70’s in .45 ACP Cal; Browning Hi-Power 9 mm Cal; Taurus “The Judge” in .45 LC/410 Ga Ca; Three Taurus PT 92’s 9mm Cal; Kel-Tec P32 in .32 ACP Cal; Kel-Tec P3 AT in 380 Cal; Browning Challenger .22 Semi-Auto and Many More.
EDGED WEAPONS: German Hunting Sword; US Officer’s Swords; Others. MILITARY COLLECTIBLES: Rare WWI Purple Heart w/ Documentation; US Doughboys Helmets; Jimmy Carter Signed Camp David Napkin; Third Reich Tinnies and Medals; SS Belt with Buckle and Ring; Luftwaffe Belt and Buckle; WWI Photo Albums incl Airplanes, Artillery, Battle Aftermath; Kollmorgen 16 Power Ships’ Spyglass w/ Oak Case; More.
VINTAGE FISHING LURE COLLECTION: Early 1900’s to Modern. Creek Chub; Heddon; Pfluger; Paw Paw; South Bend; Shakespeare; Millsite; L&S; Arbogast; Helin; and Others. PRINTS: Ned Smith; M. Kuntsler; JP Straw; Dale Gallon; D. Stivers. OTHER: Taxidermy and Decoys.
Featuring Firearms and Accessories from the Carson Long Military Academy (1836 – 2018)
4 Pennsylvania Long Rifles: Perry County: John Schuler, Liverpool; Daniel Crum, Newport; William Sweger, Elliotsburg Area; And Lancaster Style.
Long Guns: M1903 Springfield Parade Nickel w/ Display; 6 M1903 WA3 Remingtons; 13 M1903 Smith Coronas incl Parade Rifles; 2 US M1903 Springfields; 2 Smith & Wesson Model M&P 15/22 with scopes; M1A .308 Cal; US M1917 Eddystone. Match Rifles: 9 Anschutz Model Match 54 .22 Cal; Remington Match .22 LR; Winchester Model 52 and Model 75, both .22 LR; Savage Model 1933 .22. Shotguns: Elwell London; Manhattan Arms Co. Double Damascus Barrel. Other Guns: Incl Parts Guns, Springfield Model 1884 Trapdoor (modified), Italian Sharps, Italian Model 1823 11MM; Japanese Type 99 7.7 Cal;
Springfield Model M1903; 13 M1903 Springfield Barreled Actions.
Edged Weapons and Accessories: Samurai Swords; Bayonets; Dress Swords; Spotting Scopes and Stands; Rifle Rests; Marksman Jackets; And More!
Applicable Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out of state checks w/ prior approval.
All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. FFL#8-23-043-01-9J-04477.
Located off Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg PA!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036