WEDNESDAY JANUARY 16, 2019 @5:00 pm
FOR MORE PICTURES SEE (auctioneer # 2954)
**day of auction 401 265-5104**
FURNITURE/RUGS: tavern table, candle stand; tilt top table; Davenport desk; 19th century Grandfather clock; 4 early rocking chairs; period Windsor chair; early blanket chest; pr mahg beds; blanket box – old paint; oak table with claw feet; 4 modern chairs; Regency style desk; 3 leather 1960’s stacking tables; 2 Oriental saddle bags; 12’ x 3’ Oriental runner; 10 other Oriental rugs; small Oriental 3-D screen;
MISC: Steuben Gold Aurene basket; Mao Tse Tung bronze statue; bronze bust of Christ; 2 Moorcroft vases; Regimental steins; Club Bell slot machine; 2 African masks; Matterson basket; 4 buttocks baskets; 4 egg baskets; Parker pens and pencils; tin type boxes and “The Gammeter Printer #36; metal trays; Home Self weighing machine; Patrick Richard shadow box car; early wooden shovel; grasshopper weathervane; dog weathervane; two, #221 Featheweight sewing machines; pr framed portrait plates; 1818 sampler; s tudent’s lamp; pr Roycroft bookends; 5 pantry boxes; firkin – old finish; bronze lamp; Pollina Detroit accordion; 11 Royal Doulton figurines; carnival bowl and pitcher; Royal Bonn vase; 4 pc Val St. Lambert glass; Oriental ginger jar; ivory tooth; 2 Herend dishes; Dr Johnson Inn sign; Budweiser neon sign; 2 neon signs one is Vitamins and baby needs; Ford sign; Packard sign; Morlite projector; Vans boy shoes; 5 motorcycle helmets; Nikon #6177383 camera; 3 boxes boy scout items; pond boat; 2 big lots of pewter; National cash register; 5 fishing plugs; large bell; 4 Gilbert & Baker stoves; milk bottles; slag glass lamp; Fender guitar advertisement; 2 German Schatz clocks; Richard Sapper clock;
EPHEMERA/ PHOTO: ethnic trade card album; over 20, 500 home run players autographs inc: Mickey Mantle, Hank Aaron, Ted Williams, Frank Robinson etc; 1888 Wickford, RI map; 1948 Israel stamps; post cards; viewer and cards; President Taft signature; 1970’s comic books; 1960’s Blue angels autographs; Westerly scrap books; 2 stamp albums;
MILITARY/POLICE: German dagger, German military hat; Samurai sword; fire and police metal badges; large album of fire & police patches; large album Marine and fire patches; 6 North Kingstown fire hats; German WWII iron cross; 1826 fireman’s bucket a#5 and Ward #3; Winchester 30-30 rifle; Marlin 22 rifle; 20 gauge shotgun; Rim fire pistol; Iver Johnson pistol; dbl barrel shotgun by Williams & Powell;
TOOLS: 4000 XL Generator; Craftsman router and table; Dewalt & Porter cable stapler guns; dualing welder; compressor; Craftsman tool box & contents; socket sets;
STERLING/JEWELRY/COINS: lot of watches and costume jewelry; 4 silver dollars; “iron bank” currency; sterling ice tea spoons; sterling boxes; 9 pc “Oatduy” sterling tea set;
PAINTINGS 3’ x 2’ G. A. Hays painting of sheep; 40” x 39” G. A. Hays painting of cows and wagon; oil/c by H. Cyrus Farnum of harbor scene; oil/c by C. Birk; oil/c by W. Pilkinton; oil/board Gloucester by Paul Strisik; watercolor house, chickens by M.N. Woodward; watercolor bridge by Angela O’Leary; w/c ship by Giourd, 1948; oil/c mother and child, primitive; TOYS/DOLLS : Schuco Varianto 3010H race game; 1920’s metal stake body truck; Buddy L truck; Tonka and Nylint trucks; Aerial sand loader; wind-up toy sled with boy; tin wind-up plane; wind-up tin horse on wheels; Louis Marx drummer boy toy; Marx George drummer boy toy; tin Looping plane; Chinese game; 5 dolls; Home team baseball game; lot of transformer toys; 2 Hummel dolls; Girad toy car; Sturdy toy truck; 5 battery operated cars, one is “The Walking car”; “Unit” crane truck; logging truck; Heiline earth mover truck; 2 Adams motor-grader trucks; Vintage airplane models in boxes; cast iron horse drawn fire engine;
Cash. RI or known check only. Mastercard/Visa.
15% buyer’s premium – 3% discount cash or check
276 Widow Sweets Rd., Exeter, R.I. 02822
(401) 265-5104 * FAX (401) 295-8739
1888 Wickford, RI map
Mao Tse Tung bronze statue
Old metal truck
Tavern table and Matterson basket 9 pc sterling tea set
oil/board Gloucester by Paul Strisik
Steuben Gold Aurene basket
Stake body truck, 1920’s
Club Bell slot machine Schuco Varianto # 3010H race game
Shot gun by Williams & Powell
Primitive portrait of woman & child
Marx drummer boy and looping plane
20 Autograph photos, Mantle, Williams, etc
North Kingstown fire hats
40” x 39” G.A. Hays painting
19th century Grandfather’s clock
German military hat
Firkin, old finish
Painting by H. Cyrus Farnum
German dagger
6 buttocks baskets
1826 fireman’s bucket #5
5 battery cars “The Walking Car”
DIRECTIONS: FROM CT, take 95 north
to exit 5A (102 S). follow 102 S, cross
over Rt 3 and continue on 102 for
approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: take 95 south to exit 9
(Rt 4), follow Rt 4 to exit 5B (102 N). stay
on 102 for ¼ mile. Temple is on right.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036