Hartzell’s Auction Gallery 688-LOT AUCTION OF QUALITY ANTIQUES
on Saturday, February 2 at 10:00 a.m.
521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013
Preview: Thursday, January 31st from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, February 1st 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday, February 2nd(day of the auction) 8 a.m. until auction start
Unusual and rare items from the Estate of Joanna C. Beattie and her 1793 Morristown, NJ Homestead. All items offered without reserve.
FURNITURE to include: 18th C. High Chest, 18th C. Dower Chests (dated 1792), Painted Corner Cupboard, Early Spice Cabinet, Windsor Chairs, Sewing Stands, Early Tavern Table, Dutch Hanging Cupboard, Rosewood Corner Cupboard, Sheraton Sideboard, Sheraton Dresser, Victorian Drop Front Desk, Queen Anne Side Chairs, Chippendale Dropleaf Table, Large Victorian Showcase, Marble Pedestals, Work Tables, Candlestands, Chest of Drawers, Rope Beds, Dropleaf Table, Painted Blanket Chests, (2) Tall Case Clocks, Clocks, Carved Asian Stands, Italian Etagere, and MORE.
ARTWORK to include: Jack Savitsky, Sterling Strauser, Edna Palmer Engelhardt, Peter Heiden, Robert Rasely, J. McCarthy, L. Caroli, H.A. Fisher, A.W. Johnston, C. Movalli, Transue, A. Thieme, N. Ewell, S. Towers, C.S. Kingsley, W. Omgley, G. Stahnke, D.G. Thompson, R. Havell Jr., R. Haviland, B.J. Harris, B. Marshall Prints, Chaim Goldberg Etching, Hudson River, Currier & Ives, Miniature Portraits and MORE.
PORCELAIN/CHINA/GLASS to include: Limoges, Staffordshire, Meissen, Cauldon, Wedgwood, Minton, Pratt, Coalport, Mettlach, Bristol, Imari, Royal Crown, Blown Glass, Hawkes Glass, Overlay Glass, Moser, Wavecrest, Tiffany, Rookwood (Vellum Vase), Steuben (Blue Vase & Compotes), Belleek, Herend, Roseville, Carnival Glass, German Bisque, Dorflinger, Victorian Tumblers, Victorian Domes, Early Salts, Frosted Lion Water Sets, Brilliant Cut Glass & Pressed Glass and MORE.
STERLING SILVER/GOLD/JEWELRY to include: Flatware Sets, Bowls, Pitchers, Trays, Tea Set, Demitasse Set, Bon Bon Dishes, Vases, Sugar & Creamers, Covered Dishes, Candlesticks, Salt Shakers, Dresser Items, Souvenir Spoons, Coin Silver, Large Collection of Silverplate, Pocketwatches and Chains, Gold and Sterling Silver Jewelry, Costume Jewelry and MORE.
STONEWARE/POTTERY/BOTTLES to include: Blue Decorated Stoneware, Redware Pottery, Wagner Pottery Dog and Jug, Blue & White Stoneware, Spongeware, Flasks, Bitters Bottles, Early Coca Cola Soda Bottles and MORE.
ADVERTISING/TOYS/HOLIDAY to include: Strathmore Cigars Sign, McGee Oysters Sign, Easton Sanitary Dairy Sign, J. & P. Coats Spool Display, Alpha Cement Display, Noah’s Ark, Cast Iron Banks, Tin Litho Banks, Red Ryder BB Gun, Nodders, Halloween Noise Makers & Decorations, Christmas Santas, Easter Eggs, Miniature Mohair Animals, Steiff Teddy Bears, and MORE.
COUNTRY ITEMS to include: Large Chalkware Cat, Painted Footstools, Milking Stools, Duck Decoy, Wooden Signs ,Tea Caddy, Iron Utensils, Baskets, Cat Doorstop, Slide Lid Box, Wooden Footstools, Brass Pails, Miniature Old Hickory Furniture, Decorated Teapot, Hand Cookie Cutter, ABC Plate, Wrought Iron Toasters and Grills, Betty Lamp and Stand, Toleware Tray, Papier-mâché Tray, Figural Cleaver, Heart Motif Chopper, Butter Stamps, Brass Bleeders, Trivets, Painted Bellows, Wallpaper Boxes, Patriotic Tophat, Paint Decorated Box, Straw Hats, Miniature Bone Dominoes and Dice, Early Brushes, Mortar and Pestle, Dress Form, Cutlery Box, Bootscraper and MORE.
FOLK ART/TRAMP ART to include: (2) Slate Decorated Gameboards, Slate Decorated Wall Box, Carved Slate Indian, Large Tramp Art Wall Box w/ Mirror, Tramp Art Boxes and Frames, Wooden Whimseys, Wooden Gameboard, Inlaid Gameboard, Wooden Steer, Carved Fireman, Iron Wind Directional, Wooden Indian Clubs and MORE.
TEXTILES to include: 19th C. Theorem on Velvet, Quilts, Coverlets, Needlework, (3) Samplers, Early Needlepoints, Hooked Rugs, Drygoods, Navajo Rug, Oriental Rugs and MORE.
LIGHTING to include: Table Lamps, Argand Lamps, Bradley & Hubbard, Coinspot, Pedestal Kerosenes, Gone w/Wind, Glass Shades, Candelabras, Parianware, Baccarat, Bronze, Alabaster and MORE.
MISCELLANEOUS: Native American Pipe Bag, Ship’s Life Ring, Collection of Books, Curtain Tiebacks, Vienna Bronze Bird, Inkwells, Early Books, Photo Albums, Tintypes, (2) Lavabos and MORE.
SPECIAL MENTION: (4) Edison Phonographs, Collection of Typewriters, Large Victorian Display Case, Newton’s Improved Pocket Globe, Rembrandt Etching, Early Declaration of Independence Printed on Textile, Miniature Benjamin Franklin Portrait, Mark Catesby Engraving, Mettlach Punch Bowl, Fine Carved Tramp Art Frame with Arrows, Tramp Art Model Home, Folk Art Bird Tree, Iron Heart Spatula, Sikes’ Hydrometer and MORE.
Internet bidding will be facilitated by LiveAuctioneers.com.
Bidders who wish to participate on-line are encouraged to register 24 hours prior to the auction. Absentee bids will be gladly accepted prior to the auction. Phone lines for bidding are limited.
For more information regarding the auction, please contact
Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc. at 610.588.5831
or e-mail hartzell@epix.net.
Additional information and photos can be found on
610-588-5831 • 1-800-724-6808 • FAX: 610-588-6206
PA # AU – 000395-L AH – 1919 EST. 1943
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036