Hyde Park Country Americana, Decorative Arts,
Firearms, Dolls
Previews: Friday, February 15 – 1- 6 pm •
Saturday, February 16 – 10 am, to Noon
900 Dutchess Turnpike,
Poughkeepsie NY
www.hpcountryauctions.com or call 845-471-5660
Live & online bidding – www.liveauctioneers.com
Part II, house and barn contents of a retiring Hudson Valley attorney’s country home to include a lifetime collection of Americana, European primitives, and accessories – 17th to the 20th century. Combined with the partial contents of other local estates including a Dutch farmhouse, a private collection of European dolls, small collection of firearms, ephemera, photography, decorative accessories, etc.
SUMMARY: Country furniture including an 18th century untouched Hudson Valley Dutch cupboard, primitive farm tables, Victorian furniture including 3 section black walnut bookcase & other bookcases, mid-century furniture including Eames table, folk art including scherenschnitt fraktur Pa. 1784, swimming duck ice fishing decoy, early lighting devices, many quilts, coverlets, hooked rugs, baskets, weathervanes, toys, German dolls, Neapolitan creche doll, treenware, advertising including tobacco tin collection, tin glazed French/Dutch pottery, samplers, silk embroideries, French paperoles, sterling flatware, coin silver, ephemera including 2 rare sets of Charlie Chaplin lobby cards, photography including Civil War, old books, Chinese export porcelains, clocks, early NY thermometer, 19th c. Staffordshire china, stoneware/redware, horse head hitching posts, good 18th-20th century artwork including O/C Venetian scene date 1780 – Canaletto school, miniature puffy sleeve portrait, 2 W/C theorems including bird & fruit, oriental carpets, slag glass lamps, 2 sinumbra lamps, industrial ceiling lights, large bolt of French silk brocade fabric from Rose Cumming estate, hand sewn 42 star flag, firearms, knife collection, Royal Bonn hand painted portrait vase, and many country & decorative accessories.
NOTE Seeking partner for our LLC –
Must have good overall knowledge of the antique trade.
Call the auction hall for further info. – Dom Navarra
Chaplin “A Dog’s Life” Lobby Cards (8)
Puffy Sleeve W/C Silhouette
Sample of Quilts
Canaletto School dated 1780
Sample of Modern
Clean Grain Painted Stand
Oriental Hand Painted Landscape Screen
Race Horse Weathervane
Sample of Tin Glazed Pottery
Gamecock Weathervane dated 1784
Sample of Firearms
Hudson Valley Dutch Cupboard
Astronomy – Silkwork
Several Rembrandt Etchings
Circa 1800
Sample of Dolls
Italian early 19th C.
4 Clipper Ship
Adv. Cards 1860’s
Grouping of French Chairs
Sample of Redware
Hudson Valley Q.A. Cupboard
Maple candle holder – 19th c.
Clean Grain Painted Stand
Scherenschnitte dated 1784
Gamecock Weathervane
Astronomy School Girl Embroidery
Puffy Sleeve W/C
Race Horse Weathervane
Chaplin “A Dog’s Life”
Lobby Cards (8)
Canaletto School dated 1780
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036