SUNDAY, APRIL 14, at 4:00pm
Viewing during a 3-day period prior to the sale
or by appointment at 7265 South Broadway,
aka Rt. 9, in Red Hook, New York The
sale starts at 4PM on Sunday April 14th.
This sale hosts an exciting array of creativity in antiques. decorative and fine arts covering a span of 2,500 years.
Rare Carhartt advertsing neon Ferdinand Weckbrodt Watercolor And Ink Kem Weber Zephyr digital clock clock with copper beza
Art Nouveau Inlaid Presentation Box PR. 19th Century
JG Brown charcoal and ink drawing depicting a school teacher amongst her students
Bronze and Connecticut Scene By G.W. Sotter marble figure of dancer
Raphael Kirchner and others signed Oil on Painting Art Nouveau
Trompe Le Oeil ’WMF’ Art Nouveau
Sessionist Silver-Plated Claret Jug/CoffePot
Scrimshaw carved bone aided Linke circular box
Otto Berg for Roosevelt
René Buthaud rare oil painting on panel
Many of our offerings are one of a kind, where estimates are not possible. This is because there are no researchable sales for comparables.
One of the pieces to watch, will be the lost and now located, rare painting by Rene Buthaud that depicts Pomona surrounded by her attendants and exotic animals. The painting comes with a history and story. It was sought, but its whereabouts could not be traced (refer to “Rene Buthaud,” by Pierre Cruege, Page 184). The work was commissioned by the Atelier Tabard a’ Aubusson for the PARIS EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE DES ARTS ET TECHNIQUES DANS LA VIE MODERNE.
Another fascinating find that will be put up for bid will be a “very”
old, massive (16” diameter) solid cast bronze Scythian Coiled
Panther that may date to as early 600 BC. Value? 2600 years old?
We are truly in unknown territory as there is no sales history of any prices realized for similar pieces to compare this with. A small version, in gold, was in the collection of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, is held currently at the Hermitage.
Yet another piece is an Art Nouveau “Trompe le oeil” painting panel, circa 1900 created by many artists including the renown Raphael Kirchner. These miniature oils are in postcard form with most being signed by the respective artists.
We also have a painting by George W. Sotter, of the Connecticut River Valley, near Avon, which was at Sotheby’s as (Lot 136) on June 9th, 2016, estimated at $15,000-25,000.
This is a very eclectic sale including ancient mappings, Catteau pottery, an Archibald Knox Tudric pewter clock with enamel facing, a rare neon Carhartt promotional clock with copper bezel, a rare 3-D copper bootmaker’s trade sign for Regal, Jean Porret “bull and bear” bronze, French and American Antique furniture, Linke writing desk, Asian art, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Art glass and pottery, and even a 19th Century political cartoon railing at the corrupt press. Many pieces of art are listed and illegibly signed by artists.
For information about viewing or anything, just call
845 233-5950.
NOTE: The name Lawyer-Auction reflects the fact that our auctions
are attorney supervised. This creates stress-free and quick transactions
between purchasers and consigners
TERMS: Promotion buyer’s premium is 22%, reduced to 12%
for those who leave absentee bids directly with our gallery and
register for our mailing list
SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019 4:00pm
This sale hosts an exciting array of creativity in antiques,
decorative and fine arts covering a span of 2,500 years.
Our first sale will be on-line only, but with
a viewing for 3 days prior to sale at 7265
South Broadway, aka Rt. 9, in Red Hook,
New York, 12571 from 12 – 6 pm Sunday
until 3pm at 7265 South Broadway, aka
Rt. 9, in Red Hook, New York The sale
starts at 4PM on Sunday April 14th.
For information about viewing or anything, just call 845 233-5950.
Featured: Rene Buthaud painting that depicts Pomona with attendants and exotic animals. The work was commissioned by the Atelier Tabard a’ Aubusson for the PARIS EXPOSITION INTERNATIONALE DES ARTS ET TECHNIQUES DANS LA VIE MODERNE. Sought for many years it could not be traced (refer to “Rene Buthaud,” by Pierre Crueg,e, Page 184). The Scythian coiled panther “very” old, massive (16” diameter) solid cast bronze may date to as early 600 BC. Value? Smaller versions have been shown at the British Museum and Hermitage. Raphael Kirschner and others collaborated for an Art Nouveau “Trompe le oeil” painting panel, circa 1900 with miniature oils in postcard form with most signed by the respective artist. A painting by George W. Sotter, of the Connecticut River Valley, near Avon, which was at Sotheby’s as (Lot 136) on June 9th, 2016, ($15,000- 25,000). Allan Clark bronze, Fantastic large art deco cold painted bronze of costumed dancer surrounded by Jazz musicians, Original signed Milton Avery, Abraham Walkowitz, J.G.Brown, Nall, Aurellio Roberti, Hiroshige, R. Scarlett, Sewell, Weckbrodt, Andre Durenceau, George L Nelson, Raoul Dufy, Leroy Neiman, Piranisi and Pinelli antiques engravings, Kawase Hasui, etc,
etc, Cloissone, Satsuma, Chinese: painting of ships, miniature vintage carved jade urn, painting of flowers, etc.
This is a very eclectic sale including ancient mappings by Braun, Merian and Bellin, an Archibald Knox Tudric pewter clock with enamel facing, real Galle, Tiffany and Co. mantel clock, impressive French bronze and marble clock with cupid and mythological figures, a rare neon Carhartt promotional clock with copper bezel, a rare 3-D copper bootmaker’s trade sign for Regal, Jean Porret “bull and bear” bronze, French and American Antique furniture, Linke writing desk, Longwy Oil Lamp, Asian art, Victoriana, Advertising, Art Nouveau, WMF, Hagenauer, Art Deco, Art glass, and even a 19th Century political cartoon railing at the corrupt press. Babe Ruth baseball assemblage, Many pieces of art are by well-known artists and others that are illegibly signed.
NOTE: The name Lawyer-Auction reflects the fact that our auctions are attorney supervised. This creates stress-free and quick transactions between purchasers and consigners.
TERMS: Promotion: buyer’s premium is
22%, reduced to 12% for those who leave
absentee bids directly with our gallery
and register for our mailing list (since we
have none).
Presentation Box
Figure of Dancer
Allan Clark Bronze Scrimshaw
Bone Box
René Buthaud Scythian Bronze
Abraham Walkowitz
Signed Watercolor
19C Bootmakers
Trade Sign
Archibald Knox
Tudric Clock
Rare Carhartt
Neon Clock
Milton Avery
Reclining Nude
J.G. Brown
Aurelio Roberti
Signed Watercolor
Ferdinand Weckbrodt
G.W. Sotter
“Corrupt Press” Cartoon
By W.M.Dunk
Kim Weber
Digital Clock
Raphael Kirchner Et al.
WMF Claret
Linke Desk
PR 19C
Otto Berg for
Roosevelt (Attrib.)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036