Skinner Inc 20th Century Design at auction
Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 10AM
63 Park Plaza, Boston, MA
Previews: June 18, 12–5PM
and June 19, 12–7PM
MA LIC. 2304
A U C T I O N E E R S & A P P R A I S E R S
1 George Nakashima Black Walnut Slab Coffee Table
2 Tiffany Studios Ten-light Bronze Lily Table Lamp
3 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Madoura Plate, “Face No. 111”
4 William Spratling Crossed Hands Necklace and Bracelet
5 Ben Sewell Blue/Black Oval
6 William Spratling Mexican Silver and Amethyst Aztec Calendar Cuff
7 Philip (1908-1988) and Kelvin (b. 1936) LaVerne “Chan” Coffee Table
8 Hunter Studios Chairs
9 Maude Milner and Sarah Tutt Marblehead Pottery Vase
For buyers, consignors, and the passionately curious
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Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
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