A Mostly Memories Scarsdale, NY Estate Sale
Friday-Saturday, July 12-13 • (10-4)
29 Circle Road (Near the Village –
Take Popham to Overhill to Circle)
Sale managed by Ruth Taylor 914 693-3436
Furnishings: Sofas, loveseats, French dining chairs, Farm dining table, country chairs, server with wrought iron base, Oak dining table, bergere chairs, marble top nightstands, Fr. Armoire, painted Bombay style secretary/desk, Eames style black leather recliner with ottoman, porch furniture.
Accessories: Wonderful porcelain bronze mounted lamps, gilt and carved mirrors, barometer, needlepoint and Kilim rugs, S. Eisendieck oil paintings, Vasarely screen print, Jansen lithograph, and more art, sterling large Gotham Decor flatware set, Fabulous bronze floral chandelier, McCoy pottery, lots of jewelry and fine bric-a-brac.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036