Rafael Osona Americana, Fine Art, Marine Auction
Saturday August 3 at 9:30 am
Preview: Aug. 1-2 from 10-5 pm
American Legion, 21 Washington St.,
Nantucket, MA
Auctions Lic. 366
info@RafaelOsonaAuctions.com 508-228-3942
31 Walking Sticks
Fanny Campbell, circa 1850
Wax Engraver, circa 1850
James E. Buttersworth
Joshua Wilde Mirror Clock
Ceres A Artisan, circa 1830s
American Whaler Made Watch Tower, 16″
Joan Miro le Beluga #40/50
17 Pie Crimpers Roland Clark Watercolor
Journal of The Bark Mermaid of Westport, E.E. Hicks Master, 1873-1876
1898 2 Labeled Joseph Fisher Nantucket Baskets
Several Sailor’s Valentines
Signed William Lewis Roderick Tooth, circa 1850
Battle Scene on Reverse, circa 1830s
Book: Roland Clark etchings, ltd. ed. #5/50
Nantucket Windsors
Catalog Now Online at www.NantucketAuctions.com
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Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
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