Robert L. Foster Outstanding Maine Estates Auction
Our Annual Summer sale
Sunday, September 1, at 10:00 a.m.
At Foster’s Auction Gallery
811 U.S. Rt. 1, Newcastle, ME
Preview Saturday, August 31, 9 am to 4 pm
and morning of sale 8 to 9:45 am
Visit our website at
for complete listing & color pics.
2.72 ct. dia. w/sapps.
Oil by Charles D. Gibson 5’ high
Auctioneer’s note: Each year we save some of the fi nest & most interesting rarities for this special auction. Items drawn from private homes & estates throughout Maine & New Eng. inc. over 500 fresh to the market estate items, w/over $100,000.00 dollars alone in: estate jewelry, silver, watches & coins inc. gold & dias. etc., together with selected additions. Hope to see you there! Sale to inc.: Early furn. inc.: 18th c. blue ptd. corner cupboard, Shoe foot red ptd. pewter cupboard etc. Victorian furn.: Ornate walnut & burl carv. center tbl. w/bird inlay, Mission, Custom Hepplewhite inlaid mahg. sideboard etc., Accessories: Game boards, Tiffany slag glass box, Granite mill wheels, Burl bowl, Tiger maple Chipp mirror etc., Glass & China: 43 pcs. Lobmeyr-Rococo enam. crystal, Lg. Delft pottery wall plaque, Galle, Steuben “Jade Green” urn, Tiffany, Meissen, Stoneware etc., Ptgs. inc.: Sgn. Charles Dana Gibson o/c “Matinicus Isl. Hrb.” 31”x 26” others by George M. Hathaway, Vernon George Broe & many others, Prints: Orig. Henri Toulouse-Lautrec “Diva Japonais” litho. poster etc., A lg. collec. Of sterling & coin inc.: Flatware sets, Danish ewer by Soren Sass, Tiffany pcs., Teasets, Pcs. By G. Jensen, Marthinsen, Gorham, S. Kirk etc., A lg. selection of fi ne gold & silver jewelry inc.: 2.72 ct. dia. w/sapphires in 18k gold, 1.05 ct. dia. w/side dias. in platinum, 20 ct. bl. Sapphire brac., Tourmaline neck. w/53 stones etc., Fine watches inc. Rolex oyster “Paul Breguette” man’s wrist, Fancy 14k pock. watch etc., Coins: Nice selec. of gold coins inc. $20’s to $1’s, Type coins, Silv. boullion, Colonial bills etc., Oriental rugs inc. Herez 8’8×11’8 etc., Musical: Regina disc. music box, Cole Eclipse banjo etc., Lamps, Clocks inc. Birge & Fuller mahg. wagon spring dbl. steeple etc., Books, Guns & Weapons inc.: Germ. Schuetzen target rifle etc., Knives & swords, Nautical: 36” steamboat model, Sextants, Ships clocks etc., Children’s: Kamkins 18” boy doll etc., Fine rocks & gems inc. tourmaline etc., Indian, Decoys inc. lg. Me. swan, Bronzes: Tiffany & Co. horse/rider by E. Nahcepe etc., Photos inc. dags. & ambros. etc.,
Weathervanes: Ant. copper Gamecock 23”x41” & 32” wing span copper eagle etc., Pre Columbian fig., Orientalia inc.: Pr. 5’ 19th c. Jap. Imari porc. Temple vases, Pr. 4’8” Pers. Palace
vases, Ant. Peking glass bowls, Canton etc.
TERMS: Cash or approved check. Everything sold as is. A buyer’s premium of 15% will be applied to all purchases, payable by the buyer, as part of the purchase price.
We accept Visa, Master & Discover Card.
Fax us at 207-563-6590, E-mail: • I.D. #2448
811 U.S. Rt. l, P.O. Box 203, Newcastle, Maine 04553 • Auction Gallery 207-563-8110
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036