Preview: Wednesday thru Saturday (10-3) daily.
Sunday- 9-10:45 (September 4-8) Also by Appointment.
Sunday, September 8 at 11am
615 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA
For Brimfield attendees- Please call to schedule an appointment if preferred.
We will be selling a two owner collection of Silver, Jewelry and Accessories consisting
of a large quantity of sterling silver including a Gorham Martele pitcher, Arts and
Crafts silver, Over 40 flatware sets, Tiffany sterling, a fine Scottish Victorian ewer,
40 silver Presentation Trophies, Repousse decorated sterling and more. 50 lots of
Jewelry including a fine 1.4 diamond solitaire ring, gold and silver medals and more.
Fine Victorian Scottish Ewer
Gorham sterling
Meissen monkey
Sterling Ewer
Collection of 40 Sterling Trophies
More Sterling Trophies Heavy Sterling Candleabras
Two Gorham pitchers
Collection of Medals
Including Gold
K.P.M. porcelain Georg Jensen – Acorn Flatware Set
Frank Whiting Flatware Set One of 40 Flatware Sets 40 Sterling Flatware Sets
Collection of Silver Medals
Georg Jensen
Large Ornate Silver Tray
Partial Selection of Silver
50 Lots of Fine Jewelry
Coral pin
Gold snuff box
Lebolt sterling trophy
Russell Sambrook Watercolor
190 Piece Grand Baroque Flatware Set
1.4 carat diamond
Gorham Martele pitcher
Meiji Mixed-Metals
Arts & Crafts Silver
Selection of Tiffany Silver
Visit us at
Tel.: 617-795-1678 | Email: | MA LIC: MA AUC. #648
Online bidding available
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036