Ancient Objects of Rhode Island
October 5, at Noon
Varied Assortment of Asian Antiques
Bid by phone, absentee bid, or live online
through LiveAuctioneers or Invaluable
Rare Roman Sarcophagus Fragment with Christian Figure (22″H)
Large Egyptian Wood Panel with Fine Glyphs (57”H)
An intriguing sale of antiquities, Asian and fine art, and curiosa. To include fine fossils, Hindu and Buddhist objects, Hawaiian Arts, with an accent on the early and unusual.
Approximately 400 lots, the vast majority to be sold
at no reserve.
Massive Tang Horse 3 Large Fossil Skulls,
With Oxford TL Certificate (22″H) Part of Important Fossil Group
Assortment of Asian Items
Fine Eygptian Cat Mummy with 1939 Documentation
A Selection of Japanese Antiques Articulated Lower Leg from Large Carnosaur
Erotic Antique Cane with Unique Bestiality Scenes
A Selection of Jewelry
Gilt Plaster Busts for Frank Lloyd Wright’s Midway Gardens
Good Antiquities from 3 S.E. New England Collections Fine Ming Dynasty
Gilt Bronze Deity (13″H)
Intact Ancient Egyptian Mummy Head & Foot
Ex. Harvard Museum, Excavated in 1886-7 with Documentation
Exquisite Edo Period Japanese 40 Arm Kannon
Natural History to include 20′ Long Snakeskin
with head, 2 Headed Calf, 185o’s Aviary, etc.
Early South Asian Objects & Figures
17th-18th C Rock Crystal & Gilt Copper Candlestick
Ethnic Objects Including Collection of Passport Masks
Corot Oil Painting with 3 Generations Provenance
Hawaiian Wood Bas Relief
Part of Selection of Hawaiian Artworks
Selection of Roman Silver & Bronze Figures
Intact 30 Egg 3 Layer Large Fossil Raptor Nest with 8.5″ Long Eggs
Greek, Roman, Etruscan Objects
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036