Estate Auction By B & S Auction Service
WED, OCT. 9, at 6:30PM
Inspections: 12–6:30PM
Knights Of Columbus Hall
573 Main Street, Cromwell, CT
Partial listing: China closet w/large curved ends & semi flat door & other china cabinets, flat top cherry high boy (as found), marble top commode, stack book case, cherry corner cupboard w/glass doors, corner whatnots, mahogany dresser & tall chest, Ant. Rope bed, 2nd period empire sewing stand w/3 drawers & claw feet, pair 1 drawer stands, pair mahogany 2 drawer end tables, cherry swing leg drop leaf table w/ leaves, set 6 1850 ant. Stenciled Penn. Chairs w/hip rests, Victorian & Empire sofas, Victorian ladies & gentlemen’s chairs, set 6 cherry yolk back chairs & other pieces of furniture – dressers, chairs, etc. Misc.: Cut glass, Lemoge, depression glass, carnival glass, china set-Syracas “She Vedge”, blue & white – “Coaching Scene” and others, mirrors, lusters w/prisms, Hummels, small figures, Cups & saucers, stemware, Magic lantern – original box – slides, made in Germany, gone w/wind lamp w/matching shade, font & others, fancy metal lamp base w/puffy white shade, oil lamps, grandfather’s clock – moon dial – chimes – New Haven Clock Co., oak wagon wall, oak clock “Remember the Maine”, Seth Thomas shelf clock – oak Kitchen – Mini grandfathers – folk art – The George W. M. Reed Biter Co. – New Haven, CT, pair small leaded shades, other clocks, paintings include winter scene, cows-pasture, water scene, pair Victorian – pts – roses on panels, silhouettes, aprox. 13 Wallace Nuttings exterior, Wallace Nutting Book – New Hampshire, Vermont & other Wallace Nutting books, Reference books, quantity of Linens, fur coats & hats, iron frames, Walnut frames – Copper sail boat weathervane w/letters, cameras & Woody Woodpecker & other films, doll furniture, some dolls, crocks, dome top trunks, patio table & chairs, 27” oriental runner, large room size rug and as always great box lots.
Auction of Antique furniture, glass, china, clocks, lamps, paintings & other art work, Wallace Nuttings, rugs, etc. from an estate in Southbury.
Thomas Barrows & Sons Auctioneers
P.O. Box 141, Portland, CT 06480 • Telephone: (860) 342-2540
Day of Sale: (860) 632-8212 • (860) 597-1215
15% Buyers Premium, Cash or Checks
18% Buyers Premium, Credit Cards
Terms: Cash, Checks with established credit,
Most major credit cards accepted
See more pictures on: – ID # 14542
Directions: Rt. 9 N Exit 18 (3miles) – Rt. 9 S Exit 19, left on to Main St,
turn left. I-91 N Exit 21, left Rt. 372 to Main St., turn left.
Antiques & Estates Bought or Sold on Consignment
No Lot Too Large or Too Small!!!!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036