Saturday, October 12, 2019, 1:00 PM
Held at the Nest Egg Gallery
758 Four Rod Road, Berlin CT, 06037
Preview Times: Thursday, October 10, 12-5;
Friday, October 11, 12-5;
Saturday, October 12, 10-1
203-710-0189 • www.ctfirearmsauction.com
Our Fall 2019 Firearms Auction features Historic,
Antique, Curio & Relic, and Modern Firearms
spanning two centuries. We will offer a presentation Surgeons kit given by Dr. J. C.
Warren to his friend Dr. Winslow Lewis, both important early American Doctors involved in the development of Anesthesia. American Civil War guns, World War One, World War Two, and other military arms. A fine Selection of Colt, Smith & Wesson, along with Fine Hunting Rifles and Excellent Shotguns from Parker Bros and Browning. Modern guns from Sig Sauer, Glock, Winchester, Ruger, Marlin. Special feature items include a Arvo Ojala Commemorative Colt Single Action Army, A Pristine Colt 1911 with provenance, Python and other snake guns, Antique Colt SAA Revolvers, Browning Renaissance Hi Power Pistol, General Curtis Lemay’s S&W K-22 Revolver, Engraved Colts, Class III Machine guns including MAC 11, Ruger AC556K, and Bergmann MP-18 DEWATT (Transferable). High Condition Winchester M1 Carbine group, Large Selection of Kentucky Long Rifles, and other muskets, and a very fine Tom P. Weston Miniature cased Revolver.
Catalog and online bidding through Live Auctioneers, Invaluable, Proxibid,
and AuctionZip. Phone and Absentee Bids Accepted.
Buyers premium: 21% online, 18% in-house, 3% Discount for cash or check (paid in-person,
day of sale). Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, Wire Transfer accepted.
Shipping available, call for details.
General Lemay’s K-22 Bergmann MP18 Engraved Colt Derringer
Charles Hellis Shotgun
Winchester Custom 94 wmr
Presentation Surgeons Kit WWI 1911 w/ Provenance Browning Renaissance
Japanese Matchlock Tom P. Weston Miniature Kentucky Rifles
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036