Stephen P. Cyr Antique & Estate Auction
with Mid-Century Modern furnishings
Saturday November 30 at 5:30pm
with previews Friday, November 29 noon until 6 pm
and Saturday from noon until time of sale
at the Bo-Mar Auction Gallery Route 1
(16 24 Post Road) in Wells, Maine
Featuring contents from York Harbor and Portland Maine Estates
To include antique furniture, a variety of investment quality paintings, mid-century modern furniture and accessories, large bronze sculpture
Ronald Wesley Hayes, Jewelry and much more
View over 200 photographs on #13023
Stephen P Cyr Auctioneer • Maine license AUC 1560
Call 207-409-5999
Terms: Cash or approved check, 15% buyer’s premium.
Sellers must provide a valid copy of the resale certificate.
Additional terms may be announced the day of sale.
We’re not responsible for items left in the hall.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036