Douglas Auction
FRI. JAN. 24, AT 6 P.M.
(Preview 3-6 pm
or view catalog online)
Route 5
South Deerfield, MA
FURNITURE – Queen Anne curly maple highboy, several deacon’s benches, Pennsylvania painted bench, rocker and child’s chair, 3 drawer blanket chest, blanket boxes, 4 drawer chest, dry sink, floor dough box and 2 others, bow back and ladder back chairs, continental painted blanket chest, English lowboy, painted comb back rocker and washstand, set of 8 Hitchcock chairs, Chippendale slant front desk, Hepplewhite and Sheraton dining tables, Windsor chairs, Jacobean style table with 8 leather seat chairs, unusual tilt top vanity stand, dictionary stand, early cupboard, painted 4 drawer chest, cradle, Queen Anne dish top stand, heavy natural plank desk and chair, 11’ x 3’ heavy tavern style table, early beds, and more.
ART – S.G. Maniatty, William Lester Stevens, Mildred Rothe Schrader, Mary Neal (Nettie) Richardson, Albertus E. Jones, Marc Chagall, William Gropper, Minnie S. Foster, Clifford Adams Bayard, Merle Reivich, Karl Kappes, John Sloane, Charles H. Gifford, Charles Constantine Hoffbauer, Kyra Markham, Elbridge Kingsley, William Anderson Coffin, Henry Lavender Adolphus Culmer, Jack Garver, Saint Clair Augustin Mulholland, Helen Juchnick, Mary E. Hogan, Edmund Darch Lewis, Betty Lou Schlemm, William Green, Florence Smith, Vera H. Owen, Frank Bly, Julius Seyler, William Goodrich Beal, Angelina Vannini Stevens, Stanley Woodward, Walter Douglas, Bayard Tyler, Cullen Yates, Birket Foster, Louise M. Kamp, Carl Wuermer, Kerr Eby, M. Perry, Mary Kifner, Kinichiro Ishikawa, B. Vincent Abbott, E. Carpenter, Byron Bauckham, Tokusaburo Kubayashi, Yuhan Ito, Banka Maruyama, Shigesaburo Ishida, Edward Harrigan, Nancy Vonnegut, Louis Comfort Tiffany, May Wilson, and others.
18’ OLD TOWN CANOE #117231
JEWELRY – diamonds, gold, silver in bracelets, rings, pins and necklaces. SILVER – 70 pcs. Lunt “Mount Vernon”, 77 pcs. Lunt “William & Mary”, 69 pcs. Lunt “William & Mary”, 57 pcs. Lunt “William & Mary”, 62 pcs. International “Minuet”, 150 pcs. Whiting/Gorham “Louis XV”, sterling Georgian platters, Randahl tray, meat domes, and more.
GLASS & CHINA – Royal Doulton “Burgundy” dinner service, Royal Worcester, Lalique, Imari, Rose Medallion, and more.
ACCESSORIES – Boston & Maine locomotive front headlight for engine #3654, pair of Boston & Maine station chairs, Boston & Lowell railroad chair, gold coins, gilt over the mantel mirror, “opera” toy theater surround, Steiff animals, Wurlitzer piano (168556) in art deco case with bench, Howard clock, tall clock, banjo clock, teddy bears, hearth items, chandelier, snowshoes, oriental rugs, canopy doll bed, Dutch wall clock, silk needlework shawl, stoneware, redware, snuff boxes, and more.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036