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Ending 2/25 @ 7PM.
Preview: By appointment at Absolute Auction Center,
45 South Ave. Pleasant Valley, NY
from 9AM-3PM Monday-Friday.
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: The first American School of Art is known as “The Hudson River School,” consisting of mid nineteenth century “Nature Painters” who found spirituality in nature. These adventuresome artists hiked to see impressive Views. They sketched and did studies in the field to bring back to their studios to create finished paintings. The Hudson River served as the main route of travel to the best places, as well as provided the best subject matter. New York City, with the National Academy of Design to exhibit at, was the center of the American Arts world in the 19thC. Now you can bid on 69 Lots of paintings and prints, mostly related to the Hudson Valley. Today, with an emphasis on conservation of resources, and going “Green,” it is the best time to purchase and enjoy these beautiful works. Bidding is online, with the opportunity to Every Lot starts at $1.00 and sells to the highest bidder. Good luck!
Collection of Hudson River Valley Art
Absolute Auctions & Realty ♦ Phone: (845) 635-3169 ♦ Fax: (845) 635-5140
info@aarauctions.com ♦ AARauctions.com ♦ AARbids.com
Artists include; J. A. Campbell, Henry Boese (1824 – 1897), Benedikt Franz Hess (1817-70), Alfred Cornelius Howland (1838-1909), Reginald E. Nickerson” (1919-1999), Walter Mason Oddie (1808-1865), Jesse Talbot (1806-1879), George Douglas Brewerton, Elisha Taylor Baker (1827-1890), William Richardson Tyler (1825-1896), John Carleton Wiggins (1848-1932), McDonald, Clinton Loveridge (1838-1915), Hermann Fuechsel (1833-1915), H.L. Hogan, Roberta Griffin, John F. Gould (1906-1996) and Paul Gould. Hudson River lithographs, engravings and etchings including William H. Bartlett (1800-1854), W. J. Bennett, Currier & Ives and more. Online Auction
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036