Douglas Auction
FRI., FEB. 28, AT 6 P.M.
Route 5
South Deerfield, MA 01373
(Preview 3-6 pm
or view catalog online)
FURNITURE – Early: Sheraton and Chippendale chests, slant front desk, stands, tea table, 12 drawer collector’s cabinet on stand. Victorian & Custom: 4 ornate armchairs with marble inserts and matching center table, large ornate hall rack, Eastlake fire screen, 2 slant front desks, 2 part Queen Anne highboy, Federal inlaid tall chest, 4 drawer inlaid Hepplewhite chest, curly maple lowboy and 1 drawer blanket chest, Hepplewhite bow front chest, Brewster armchair, childs high chair, tilt top tea table, mahogany drop leaf table, and more.
ART – John Joseph Enneking, Roy Clifford Smith, Waldo Peirce, Robert C. Gruppe, Theodore E. Butler, Alexander Van Laer, Attr. to Childe Hassam, Marion Krisman, Bill Lambert, Willis Henry Plummer, John Westrill, C.A. McCuroy, Donald Carlisle Greason, Henry Leon Sanger, Searmour, Robert F. Calrow, Karl Yens, Francis Luis Mora, Ernest David Roth, Thomas Moran, Wesley Webber, Otis S. Weber, Lea Chapman, James Craig Nicoll, John Armstrong, Harold Tovish, Caroline Mellissa Nettleton Thurber, Zyle, Hiroshi Honda, Ted Beaudoin, Pieter Van Schaik, Jr., Doyon, Risse See, Mariquita Gibb, Charles H. Riecks, Mervin Meyer Jules, Cynthia Chandler, Barbara Collins, Margaret Brown, S. Thompson, Carlo, Wilson, Betty Lou Schlemm, Harold Farnum, James W. Maddocks, Richard Magin, L. Rasewski, Redwing Nez, James V. Coughlin, Rosa Bonheur, B.J. Johnson, George Albert Frost, Elice Davis Pieropan, Polly Nordell, Frank Boyd, Henry Davenport, William Wenneman, Pauline B. Williams, L.F. Hurd, J.M. Lombardi(?), Henschkel, Ben Foster, Hugo Breul, Eli Capen, C. Weston Steward, After William Ritschel, F. Arnold, Waldo Midgley, Selma Sabin, Nagahide, Clarence Arthur Brodeur, W. Warren Brown, A.B. Guernsey, Muriel Ritchie, Jon Goodman, Edward Curtis, Peck, Aaron Kilpatrick, Elbridge Kingsley, M.D. Plummer, Mauritz F.H. De Haas, Dana Gibson and others.
SILVER – 26 pcs. Lunt “William & Mary”, 73 pcs Gorham “Lyric”, 105 pcs. Dominick & Haff “Pointed Antique”, 35 pcs. Towle “Lady Diana” and more.
JEWELRY – Los Castello Aztec mosaic necklace and earrings, pair of diamond enamel bracelets, stickpins, coral, pearls and amber, diamond and other rings.
PHOTOGRAPHY – W. Hammerschmidt, 4 part Albumen photo of “Panorama De Jerusalem”, photo #48, 51, 57, 60, 63, 67, 69, 76, 79, 81, 83, 101, 106, 109, 118, 122, 126, 137, 169, 177, 180. R. MacPherson, photo #6, 16, 41, 149, 153, 168, 169, 171, 241, 243, 247, 251, 254, 282. Robertson & Beato, photo #5, 9, 10, 11. P. Berghum, G. Ninciu, and A. Sarravilz, and more.
GLASS & CHINA – Steins, satin glass cracker jar, Burmese & silver plated kerosene lamp, Limoges rabbit serving plates and more.
ACCESSORIES – Mink coat, oriental rugs, coin operated “Personal Indicator”, pair of peg lamps, daguerreotypes and ambotypes, tall clock, 2 samplers, and more.
ACORN PEOPLE DIORAMAS – 25 Museum quality dioramas depicting acorn people
in various activities and pursuits. (visit our website for full information and pictures).
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036