Skinner Inc American Furniture & Decorative Arts
August Americana online | August 3–13
Shaker Collections online | August 11–20
Contact: 508.970.3200 MA LIC. 2304
For buyers, consignors, and the passionately curious
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1 Ralph Cahoon (Massachusetts, 1910-1982), Fighting a Ship Fire
2 Four Staffordshire Historical Blue Transfer-decorated “Welcome Lafayette the Nation’s Guest” Plates, James and Ralph Clewes, Cobridge, England, c. 1824-36
3 Chippendale Walnut Carved Chest of Drawers, Pennsylvania, c. 1760-80
4 Molded Sheet Copper and Zinc Cow Weathervane, America, late 19th century
5 Cherry Wall Sconce with Iron Hogscraper Candlestick, Hancock, Massachusetts, 19th century
6 Group of Shaker Pantry Boxes, America, 19th century
7 Early English Biblical Stumpwork Picture, 17th century
8 Cherry Chest of Drawers on Frame, Deerfield, Massachusetts, area, late 18th century
9 Carved Oak and Pine “MH” Hadley Chest, Hadley, Massachusetts area, late 17th/early 18th century
10 Staffordshire Enamel-decorated Salt-glazed Stoneware Coffeepot, England, third quarter 18th century
11 Staffordshire Scratch Blue Decorated Salt-glazed Stoneware Bowl, England, mid-18th century
12 Tiger Maple Salmon Red-painted Fall-front Desk, probably New Hampshire, late 18th/early 19th century
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036