Moggie’s Chuck Smith Chicago Cubs Memorabilia Part 1
14 Terrace St. Marlborough, NH 03455
Sunday, Oct 4, • Auction Start 11:00am
Preview: Sunday, Oct 4, 9:30-11 am
or by appointment the week of the auction
Chuck Smith was the president of the Cape Code Minor league system and had access to many Major league players and General Managers. He also was friends with George Brace and other official Cub Photographers. He has written 4 books on early baseball, this is part 1 of his 50 year collection.
Autographed Photos: George Brace original and reprinted photos, many AP Photos that he had players autograph at games, Autographed Programs: Chicago Cubs Official Program National League 1969, 1942 Cubs Program & Team Photo, Ernie Banks Signed 1977 Official Cubs Program, 1941 Team Roster Photo & Player Roster Program, 1942 Cubs Program & Team Photo plus more Autographed Balls: Signed Cubs Ball 1987 received as guest of Scott Reed at the Montreal Hilton Oct 4, 1987, Signed 1983 Cubs Baseball Retirement Presentation at Cubs game: Lee Elia, Mgr on sweet spot, 1949 Signed Philadelphia Phillies Baseball rec’d cy Bill Nicholson to consignor on visit to farm- roster included, Signed 1976 Cubs Baseball rec’d by team contact and given to consignor: Jim Marshall, Jerry Morales, Ray
Burris etc, 1934 Chicago Cubs Autographed Baseball Bob O’Farrell, Bill Lee, Riggs Stephenson, 1950 Autographed Chicago Cubs Baseball given to consignor by Bill Nicholson during a visit to his farm Paul Miner, Andy Varga, Bob
Rush, plus several more balls
Please go to and enter date and zip code for more details. Or go to
our website, and go to the auction schedule tab and look for
‘Bid On Line’ button. This does not actually cast a bid.
Preview Sunday October 4, 2020, 9:30 am to auction start or by appointment, with auction starting at 11:00 am. Left and Phone Bids accepted. We accept MC, Visa, cash and approved check. Auction subject to errors and omissions. Statements made on day of auction take
precedence over previously written materials. Items sold AS IS, WHERE IS, no returns.
Brandt W. Onorato, Auctioneer NH #6052 • Christine Becotte, Manager
Call for info 603-494-5964 (auctioneer ID 31260)
Always buying and accepting quality consignments, one piece or estates
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036