McMurray Antiques & Auctions Presents Cataloged Auction #73
our Absentee Mail/Phone bid
of Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins,
Apothecary/ Drugstore & Advertising
Featuring Items from the Jerry Phelps Collection!!
Closing Date: Saturday, October 24th, 2020 At 10 pm Est
SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS TO INCLUDE: Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s = Log Cabin Cough & Consumption Remedy, Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, Safe Nervine, Rheumatic Cure, Diabetes Remedy, Safe Kidney & Liver Cure, 12 and 6 oz. Safe Remedies – Compounds, Label, Pontiled Medicines: 2 Diff. – Dr. W.S Lunt’s Family Medicine, 2 Diff. – Dr. J. McClintock’s Family Medicine, Rhode’s Fever & Ague Cure, S.M Kier Petroleum, 2 = Murray & Lanman Florida Waters, Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Smith’s Anodyne Cough Drops – Montpelier, Delight’s Spanish Lustral, Dr. Larbor’s Extract of Lungwort, Whitmore’s Eye Water, Shaker Anodyne and Cherry Pectoral Syrup and more! Dr. Kilmer’s: Female Remedy, Ocean-Weed Heart Remedy, Indian Cough-Cure, Autumn Leaf Ext. Bitters: Holtzermann’s Cabin and Drake’s Plantation Bitters, Dr. Langley’s, Smyrna Stomach, Gordon’s Kidney & Liver, Milkglass Litthaur Stomach Bitters, Hentz’s Curative Bitters. Early, Dr. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment, Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant & Carminative Balsam, Dr. Miles Tonic and New Heart Cure, 2 Diff. – Tilden & Co. New Lebanon, NY, Peckham’s Croup Remedy, Many of the above with Original Boxes!!!
Tins: Dr. Classe’s German Liver Regulator, Kibbe Bros. Cough Drops, 2 Sizes = The Wonder Heart Cure, Nice, Early Parke, Davis & Co. 5 lb. Bronchial Lozenges Store Tin, other Parke-Davis Store tins etc…
Tooth Powder Tins: Wright’s Antiseptic Myrrh Tooth Soap, The Druggist Tooth Soap, Arnica Tooth Soap, Orodentine, Piso’s, Arthur’s, Euthymol, Cadette for Children in Shape of Soldier, Dr. Lyon’s Sample Size. Tooth Bottles = Smokers’ Tooth Powder, Donald’s Mouth Wash, Pande Tooth Powder. Dr. Hyman Painless Dentist – Tin Arrow Sign, Early – 1876 S.S White Dental Catalog etc…
Pills: Complete Box Warner’s Log Cabin Liver Pills, Complete Balm of Tulips Display, Complete Box – Dr. McLane’s Vermifuge and Colorful box for McLane’s Liver Pills, Wood Pill Ovals, Humphrey’s Pill Lots etc…
Apothecary: Important = Samuel Alcock & Co. Handled Leeches Jar! Beautiful, Reverse Glass Specie Jars, Label Under Glass Jars in Clear, Amber, Green and Cobalt Blue! Show Globes, Porcelain Drug Jars, Early Amethyst Storage Jars, Inverted Merck Jars, Phenix Dispensing Tank, Wooden Pill Silverer, Handled Pill Counter, The National Electric Belt, Ceramic Ointment Pots, Thurlow Homeopathic Cures Box and More!!
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Breinig Cattle Liniment, Large size Prof. Dean’s King Cactus Oil, Dr. Schell’s Magic Distemper Remedy, 3 Sizes = Merchant’s Gargling Oils, Turner Bros. Balsam of Eryngo, Dr. Cox’s Painless Blister. Packages: Security Poultry Food, Peoples Poultry Remedy, Bigler’s Lice Killer, Blackman’s Lick-A-Brick, Prof. Gleason’s Horse, Cattle & Poultry Powder. Complete Box of Pratt’s Worm Powders and Dr. Lesure’s W.K Powders, Etc. Tins: Small size Newton’s Heave, Cough Cure, Cole’s Veterinary Carbolisalve, Pratt’s Scaly-Leg Ointment. Nice, Dr. Daniels’ Advertising Pocket Mirror. Spratt’s Flea Soap, Barker’s Booklets and More!!
Books: 1900 Peter VanSchaack Druggist Catalog, Nice, 1879 Geo. Tiemann & Co. Surgical Instruments Catalog = The American Armamentarium Chirurgicum.
Advertising: Signs: Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant – George Washington – Poster, Tin Litho Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, Warner’s Safe Cure, Drake’s Plantation Bitters, Brown’s Saponaceous Dentifrice, Boschee’s German Syrup / Green’s August Flower, Dr. Hand’s Remedies for Children, Ayer’s Hair Vigor and Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Early, John D. Park’s Genuine Balsam of Wild Cherry & Tar, Hartshorn’s Sarsaparilla and Iron, Reverse Glass = Redding’s Russia Salve, Dr. Jayne’s Sanative Pills and Tonic Vermifuge, DeWitt’s Kidney & Bladder Pills Countertop Showcase, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve Counter Jar, Walla Walla Pepsin Gum Jar, Cabin Shape = Lutted’s S.P Cough Drops Jar, Meseroll Cough Candy Jar, 5 lb. Gypsy Cough Drops Jar, Sines’ Syrup for Coughs & Colds Adv. Clock, 1901 Antikamnia Calendar, Selection of wood shipping crates and more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to:
McMurray Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795
Phone (607) 775-5972 or Phone/Fax (607) 775-2321
Post auction price list included.
I am currently accepting quality items for future sales
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
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