Friday, October 30, At 6 P.M.
Preview 8 A.M. – 6 P.M. (Masks Please)
Route 5, South Deerfield
FURNITURE: EARLY AMERICAN – 3 Chippendale chests, 1 & 2 drawer blanket chests, Sheraton
drop leaf table, 1 & 2 drawer stands, Sheraton console table, candlestands, Pembroke table, Duncan
Phyfe style antique drop leaf table. ENGLISH & OTHER – Camphorwood chest, 2 Savonarola chairs,
pair of ornately carved Chinese armchairs and stand, serpentine 3 drawer butler’s chest, flat top painted
blanket chest, oak renaissance revival cabinet. VICTORIAN – 3 part walnut bookcase, console table,
oak ornately carved library table, 4 drawer Bombe chest, ornate chairs, oak hall table, 3 part oak flat
top desk. CUSTOM & MODERN – Mahogany banded edge dining room table, 8 Chippendale chairs,
Colonial style bedroom set, Windsor chairs by Warren Chair Works and Rolf Hofer, pair of Poliform
Carlo Colombo swivel chairs, Plycraft Goldman armchair.
ART: Edmund E. Case, Edwin Romanzo Elmer, B.D. Avery, Giragos Der Garabedian, Pablo Picasso,
David A. Bumbeck, Bruno Statler(?), George Cohen, Paul Maxwell, Terry, Francis Pulito, C. Hyland(?),
E. Lindstrom, John Chetcuti, Margaret Palmer, Stan Phillips, Neathery, Victor Thall, Kloszewski, Mae
Dilliner Lowes, Morris, Esther Yovits (Rosen), Shiro Kasamatsu, Violetta Glemser
(Violetta Constance Raditz), Stow Wengenroth, Margaret Chambers Gould, Roy
Ingraham, Louis Kronberg, Robert Chirico, Prosper L. Senat, Frederick Koonz, Leroy
Greene, John James Audubon, K. Keeley, W.L. Knowles, Stael, Angelo Vadala, Asoldo M. Stein, Yves
B. Asket, Salomon Von Abbe, Eberhard Von Jarochowski, Charles Van Blarcom, Erik T. Werenskiold,
Thomas Fogarty, Jr., M.E. Wener(?), Chinese watercolors, and more.
CLOCKS: 2 English tall clocks (J. Lang, Morton & Michael Clark), a quantity of schoolhouse and
mantel clocks, Seth Thomas pillar and scroll clock, oak wall regulator, banjo clocks, ship’s bell clocks,
steeple clocks by Chauncey Jerome and Brewster & Ingrahams, Foster S. Campos banjo and miniature
banjo, calendar clocks, Boston Clock Co., Regulator, Gingerbread clocks, wagon spring clock.
GLASS & CHINA: Chinese floor vase, 11 Minton plates, Royal Doulton luncheon set and more.
SILVER: 37 pcs “Starfire” by Lunt, 81 pcs. “Chippendale” by Towle
ACCESSORIES: 1910 Recruitment poster, Chippendale mirrors, oriental rugs including 15.6 x 10.2 Sarouk carpet, mahogany and lacquered writing boxes, autographed photo of Thomas Edison, pair of wood hobby horses, brass telescope, 12 drawer pine spice box, cloisonné, Kutani, and more.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036