Skinner American Furniture & Decorative Arts online
November 13–23 |
contact: 508.970.3200
For buyers, consignors, and the passionately curious
1 Small Shaker Red-stained Drop-leaf Table, Enfield, Connecticut, c. 1840
2 Gilt and Molded Sheet Copper Goddess of Liberty Weathervane, attributed to William G. Henis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, c. 1860
3 Blackpainted William and Mary Gate-leg Table, New England, early 18th century
4 American School, Late 19th/Early 20th Century, Portrait of a Victorian Farmhouse and Barns
5 Andrew Clemens Patriotic Presentation Sand Art Bottle, McGregor, Iowa, c. 1885-90
6 Red, Yellow, and Green “Festoon” Pattern Spatterware Plate, England, 19th century
7 Flame-stitch Needlework Pocketbook, New England, c. 1763
8 Carved Walnut Dower Chest, Pennsylvania or New Jersey, late 18th century
9 Small Green Fitz Hugh Export Porcelain Oval Serving Dish with Polychrome Eagle Decoration, China, 19th century
10 Shaker Tilter Chair, Enfield, New Hampshire, c. 1840
11 Pair of Heart-and-crown Bannister-back Side Chairs, attributed to Andrew Durand, c. 1730-40
12 Shaker Sewing Desk, Harvard, Massachusetts, c. 1840-50
13 Rare Walnut Burl Veneer and Inlaid Tall Case Clock, William Claggett, Newport, Rhode Island, c. 1735
MA LIC. 2304
Including Property from The Nathaniel Holcomb House, Granby, Connecticut, and The Shaker Collection of Brenda and Charles R. Muller, Canal Winchester, Ohio
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036