Sunday Dec. 6th at 11am
via, and
Preview: Live in Rehoboth (masks please!)
Dec. 3-5 from 10-4 pm & by APPT.
380 Winthrop Street,
Rehoboth MA 02769
ARTWORK: 2 Whaling scenes by Reggie Nickerson; 1845 Ship on glass by Petrus
Weyts “Apollo, Warren RI”; Signed impressionist French picnic scene; Graham
Flight (3) incl. 1862 ironclads battle; EF Betts – illustration; W.L. Metcalf (2); JC Spencer – ships; Wendell Macy – cow; EC Leavitt; P. Yardley – AZ Indian camp; EWD Hamilton; FG Green 1893 – Newport; Red Grooms; G. Curtis; J. Cibula; RM Decker; PA Dutch w/c portraits sgd Munster 1798; A. Warren; Ethelyn Cobb; 2 w/c’s & sketch pad signed A. Hitler 1914 & 3 signed photos (w/COA); D. Lazarus (3); C. Guy – French carriage; V.L. Cuguen; J. Roig; Modernist “Law & Odor” sgd Snowflake 1982 (Bourque); Silva Fernandes (4); Exquisite pair 19th c. Japanese table screens w/many figures; A. Sweetman; P. Cosentino; Casparini (2); Italian marble sculpture of Pieta attr. 17th C.; PJ Mene 1849 sculpture; Modernist bronze sgd. Caro; PRINTS: 3 signed Jap. Meiji woodblocks; 1776 Moses Harris botanical; 3 Audubon ltd ed. birds; Ch. Woodbury; Signed N. Rockwell.
FURNITURE & RUGS: Rare C. 1760 Phila. Chipp. spice chest; C. 1760 NE tavern table & Del. Valley walnut blanket chest; Tiger maple 1 drawer stand plus 8 others; Newport QA tea table; PA dish top mah. table; 2 step-back cupboards; 3 Phila. bow back windsor chairs sgd. Gaw; Chipp. mirror w/candle holders; French Empire period flat top partner’s desk; 3 Blanket chests & fine camphor chest; Ca. 1730 Swedish gateleg table; 18th c. Chipp. Camel back sofa; 18th c. Spanish pie safe; Huge Empire 4 post bed & fluted English tall post; Group Pacific Green palmwood furn. – leather sectional sofa, Tavarua swivel chair, tables, lounge chair, floor lamp, etc. Eldred Wheeler mini highboy; 2 lounge chairs from RMS Queen Elizabeth; L&JG vintage Morris chairs & old settle; RUGS: About 30 good antique rugs, many Caucasian – Kazaks; Heriz; Mahal; Turkish; Sarouk; Kashan; Soumak; etc.
MILITARIA & RELATED: Ca 1820 Kentucky tiger maple flintlock rifle w/engraved brass patch box sgd H. Gibbs, PA; Important ca. 1840’s eagle pommel sword inscribed on guard J. WILKES BOOTH; 1977 sterling & diamond QEII Silver Jubilee Sword #76/100 by Wilkinson; Fraternal sword for Wm Robert Taylor (1874 governor Wisc.); Josh Golcher musket; 2 rare Italian Fascist daggers – Scuotto & MVSN Poignard; Waffen SS dagger by Spitzer; 4 large bowie knives sgd. Sheffield, Case; Camillus knives; Sword cane; R. Heydrich cufftitle; WWI knuckle duster trench knife; Colt pocket pistol w/stagecoach holdup; Savage RFA 1864 Civil War rifle; Rare ca 1850 American carved coconut shell powder flask w/naval motifs to Capt. Simpson; Confederate letter 1861; CW captain telescope; 1861 Navy cap box & Gaylord cartridge box; Indian peace medals; WWI & II bond plaques &b posters;
NAUTICAL & SCRIMSHAW: About 20 fine scrimshaw whale teeth, some signed incl: Lady’s leg snuffbox, female ship figurehead, globe of earth w/whaling scenes, Neptune, Nantucket map by Manghis; Alaska 1891; Inuit; Mermaid; Abe Lincoln; Pr huge raw teeth etc – Great 5 ft. French spelter clockwork lighthouse with sailor signed Foretay; Rare tortoise shell box with silver mounts inscribed
AMERICA, NEW YORK 1780 (possibly for US ship being built). Also: 3 sailor valentines & 4 sailor made coconut dippers, one w/scrimshaw décor of ships; Brass ship’s telegraph & 2 pr. ship lanterns; 4 canes incl. sword cane; Half hull models; 5 old whale plaques/signs & copper weathervane; Northwest Fisheries fish trade sign; Brant Point whale plaque & whirligig by Albert Ottison, Nantucket; Waltham ship chronometer; Brass bound camphor chest; Several Nantucket baskets & purses; 4 Whaling harpoons & bomb lance; 2 old ships wheels; AUTOGRAPHS/PHOTOS/BOOKS: Babe Ruth cut signature & photo; 3 signed Hitler photos; Napoleon III signed Imperial Order 1867; Andrew Jackson 1813 military order; Von Hindenburg signed photo; Full plate ambrotype of Col. Ed Shriver of Harper’s Ferry fame; Ambrotype id’d Confed. veteran; 2 rare Naval books 1816 & 1838 – Naval Temple & Naval Monument; Set 5 leather botanical books by Michaux & Nuttall “No. American Sylva” w/fine illustrations; Many sets of 19th C. leather bound books by famous artists incl. mint set 15 Dickens & One Thousand & One Nights by Payne, 1901 Khorassan ed. 500; 1835 History of Nantucket by Hilliard; Multi-year diary & early photos from Talledega Alabama for Rev. Welch family ca 1850’s; Steamship menus;
CLOCKS & LAMPS: Rare Ezra Kelley Dartmouth (Mass) mahogany tall clock w/ whale tooth finials ca 1825 (fine cond.); C. 1830 Robert Fletcher of Chester tall clock, rocking ship dial; Signed E. Stennes grandma clock; 53” S. Thomas regulator wall clock; 4 Sandwich overlay & cut glass lamps; Pr. Sandwich clambroth dolphin candlesticks; Waltham chronometer; Pr. large Italian glass table lamps.
SILVER & JEWELRY: Pair Tiffany sterling 10” chrysanthemum bowls & 30 oz. Revere bowl; Reed & Barton 5 pc sterling tea set & 10” repousse bowl & Hepplewhite flatware set; R&B rare Viking s/p tea set; WE Hutton sterling & enamel Viking .830 charger by Thune, Oslo; 10 enamel Danish spoons by Michelson; Poole 5 pc tea set; Japanese silver bulbous teapot w/seal; Many sterling hollowware lots; Coin silver; 3 silver charm bracelets; Rolex Air King 5500 watch; Omega automatic. GOLD: 3 pocket watches incl 14K Russian enamel w/diamonds by Kalishnikoff; 14K enamel Waltham; 14K Rolex ladies; $5 US gold coin 1880 & Spanish silver reales; 18K rope bracelet & heavy floral brooch; Piccini garnet suite; Several lots 14K gold & silver & Victorian jewelry.
MISCELL: 4 old / antique wood Carousel horses incl. ca. 1880 by Chas. Dare; 1816 Mary Brodie sampler; Great straw-work inlaid box ca 1820; Large rooster & whale weathervanes; C. 1700 Bermuda box; Swiss multi-bell music box; 1790 pearlware jug; C.1800 Enoch Wood bust John Wesley; A. Walter, Nancy French art glass fish sculpture; Van Briggle nude centerpiece; Meissen urn; Wood plane propeller; Sandwich overlay cut lamps; Nantucket baskets & purses; Quimper pottery; 41” painted wood tobacco sign w/Indian & 3 whirligigs; Early candlesticks, molds, breadboards, pewter; Fine ivory hand fans & hair combs; Penn. Decor crocks; Maggie Meredith painted basket & sign; Chimp bronze bird bath; Antique Chinese ceramics – 4 pair vases, enamel ware, bronze buddha; Chinese embroidered silk panels; Antique copper cookware; Electro Shot arcade game by Marx & Remco 32” Johnny Reb cannon; Edward Vom Hofe rare salmon reel.
Charles Dare horse
Pacific Green furniture
Fine Asian ceramics
Many leather bound books
Signed picnic scene oil
Swiss music box
Fine antique rugs
Rare Ezra Kelley clock
Fine Japanese art
Fine period furniture
Gold jewelry & watches
Many Nantucket baskets
Rare Daggers
Circa 1760 Phila. spice chest
Sailor valentines
(3) Lots of sterling silver
Adolf Hitler paintings
Penn Dutch paintings
Rare ambrotype
Col. Shriver
Fine nautical paintings
Foretay spelter lighthouse
WL Metcalf (2)
Much scrimshaw
Babe Ruth autograph
Fine English tall clock
Diverse Winter Estates Auction
Choice items from Cape & Islands homes – period furnishings & access.
from Barbara Soltis Almquist & others
| 508-771-1722 or 508-223-9471
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036