Nicholas Auctions
Wed. Jan. 27 at 5:30pm
175 Buckley Rd • Whitehall, NY
visit our website
Previews: Sunday, Monday &
Tuesday from 10 to 2 each day
and Wednesday from noon on.
This auction has no reserves and nothing online.
Seating is spaced for social distancing, up to 50 seats. Make reservations if you plan on attending. Please wear masks; give us a call, 518-222-3857
So much more than meets this ad.
Go to #3168
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Directions: We are located at the Southeast corner of the Adirondacks, the Southern tip of Lake Champlain, just off Rt 4. Turn at RR tracks onto Buckley Road, 1st farm.
10% Buyer’s Premium, cash & checks – 13% credit cards
Nicholas Deutsch Auctioneer
Please call 518-222-3857
SOME FURNITURE: 17th C Oriental armoire; 19th C butler’s secretary; Oriental cabinets & Oriental prints & reverse on glass; Victorian cabinets & stands; Adirondack birch table; tool chests; barrister bookcase; 19th C mirrors & chairs; china cabinets & other furniture. In MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, we have a Martin “Vega” banjo; Epiphone “Alleykat” guitar; acoustic guitars; saxophone; trombone; base guitars; amplifiers & an “Astatic” microphone. TOYS include Chein Ferriss wheel & ski ride; robot bus; Buddy L “Huskey dumper” in box; electric slot machine; AMF pedal tractor; & other toys.
OTHER NOTABLE ITEMS: Several Victorian clocks; Chauncey Jerome steeple clock; grandmother clock; wall clocks & shelf clocks; swords; military uniforms; WWII German poster 1941; whale oil lamps; Victorian hanging lamps; old andirons; baseball bats; wizard fan; blue decorated crocks & jugs; Saiter & C brass rotisserie; a good amount of country items like butter churns, canning jars, wooden keg, horsefly nets, fireplace tool sets, ironstone, B&G plates; costume jewelry; .925 Tiffany & Co bracelet; small collection of yellowware bowls in various colors & patterns; several Currier & Ives 19th C original lithos; 19th C quilts; 1950s risqué calendars; a few hundred comic books from 10¢ to $1; Al Aldreidge drawings; “The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer” 1958; Adirondack books and many more lots.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036