Americana Auctions Online Only Diverse March Estates Auction
Sunday March 7th at 11am
Preview: Live in Rehoboth (masks please!)
March 4-6 from 10-4 & BY APPT.
380 Winthrop Street,
Rehoboth MA 02769
508-771-1722 or 508-223-9471
via and
Partial contents of 2 Martha’s Vineyard mansions w/additions
FURNITURE: Many Arts & Crafts oak pcs. incl: Rare Gus Stickley / Harvey Ellis designed cabinet #722, Smoker’s Stand, & 9 drawer Tall Chest (all circa 1904); Gus Stickley desk, library table #613, umbrella stand & pr. chairs; Limberts fall front desk/bookcase; Roycroft Little Journey bookstand; Quaint bench; L&JG Stickley footstool; 2 solid oak china cabinets, one leaded; Pair oak A&C chests w/mirrors; Lifetime settle; A&C rockers, chairs, & easel; 2 Palecek rattan chairs; Pr. A&C iron pricket floor candleholders; Wicker & rattan outdoor furniture & iron tables. CONTINENTAL: French – Large Empire mahog. partner’s desk, lifttop vitrine, pr inlaid card tables & round occasional tables, m/top ebony bombe chest, huge 19th C. parquetry serpentine chest, Louis XVI ptd. bedroom set; Also: 6’ carved Italian linen press; 17th C. walnut joint cupboard & 9 ft. refectory table; Mahog. 10 pc dine set; 2 Chinese dragon throne chairs, Tansu, etc; tiger maple 4 post bed by Leonards; 6 painted dine chairs w/roses & set 8 Italian walnut chairs;
ORIENTAL RUGS: Fine selection fresh estate rugs, most antique, about 50: Room size Feraghan Sarouks, Kashans, rust Serapi, Heriz, Hamadan, Kirman; 10 x 16 ft Kashan w/6 medallions; 2 Persian runners; Chinese Art Deco incl. pictorial; 13 ft Shahsevan Kilim & saddle bag; Rm size Turkish Khotan w/urns & Agra; Turkish 20 ft palace carpet & silk scatter; Bakshaish, Kazak, & Tabriz; 20’ Mir hall rug
SILVER & JEWELRY & WATCHES: Tiffany teapot; French silver gravy & English sauce boats; Watson “Lotus” flatware set for 12; J. Richardson 18th C. Am. spoons & coin spoons; 14K necklaces, bracelets, cameos & gem rings; 18K Omega chronometer; Gold pocket watches, pendants & cufflinks; Pietra Dura gold jewelry; 8 Lenox & sterling cups; Hollowware, flatware & jewelry; US $5 gold 1880; Chinese silver dollar coin 1908; Chrisitan Dior Italian box w/stone.
ARTWORK: Ca 1790 woven genre picture by MaryAnn Wilson; 18th C. Russian Icon
– St. George slaying dragon; 3 signed A. Hitler watercolors w/COA; Cos Cob School – Corn shocks; MS Pearson – zinnias; EC Leavitt 1902; Red Grooms (2); E. Rickert (2); R. Munsell; M. Lemmermeyer; L. Woodruff; Abstract art by J. Wunderman, L. Lejeune, L. Lindeberg, J. Hultberg, W. Tomlinson; Eugene Sparks; Marini; cowboys after Russell; McWethy; MAPS & PRINTS: Rare ca. 1700 Map book by Herman Moll w/17 maps; 1828 watercolor map by Bodicea Thompson; 19th c. pen & ink map W. Hemisphere; 1830 Map of Mass. by J. Carter; Early European maps; PRINTS: Louis Icart; M. Kachan; 4 Bermuda photos by Gardiner; LAMPS & CLOCKS: 2 Handel – Conical glass shade #7463 w/knight & bronze D esk lamp; Heavy A&C 5 light iron & glass hanger; Art Deco gyro ceiling lamp /double fans; 4 leaded hanging shades; 2 tall clocks – 18th C. English sgd Peter Fearnley, Wigan & fine early American; Antique onyx & porcelain & wood mantle clocks.
MILITARIA & AUTOGRAPHS: Rare A. Hitler silver service plate by Wellner from
Eagle’s Nest; AH engraved tumbler; Signed Hitler photo & autographed photos
of Rommel, Himmler, A. Speer; Watercolor of Jewish POW 1942 in Ukraine; 5 signed Presidential military appointments – US Grant (2), Theo. Roosevelt, W. Wilson, G. Cleveland; Ca. 1850 naval hat & epaulets in box; C. Yates of Canada WWI medal lot.
MISCELL: 10 lots vintage Louis Vuitton luggage & bags; 8 lots old Navajo &
Mexican blankets & rugs; Penn. tulip quilt; Benson & Hedges 1901 camphor chest humidor; Dedham pottery (6); 26” Napoleon bronze obelisk; 8 lots of vintage guitars incl Fender & Gibson; D. Waring dulcimer; Jameson & Ditson banjos; J. Schorn 1790 violin; 6 fine chenille classical pillows; Art Nouveau Loetz? glass & bronze planter; Steel railroad sign; Antique Chinese & Japanese ceramics; Singing bird automaton; Pr. Royal Copenhagen swan vases; 1834 Great Seal of England by B. Wyon; Pietra Dura plaque sgd de Filippis; Williamsburg VA Metalcrafters fireback & 9 tools; Cunard Line posters; 1892 Columbia music stand
Rare Stickley cabinet Cos Cob School
Gus Stickley & Ellis chest
Russian icon
Gus Stickley smokers
Limberts Handel lamp
Huge soapstone vases
Louis Vuitton luggage
Tiffany & other silver
Antique Serapi Chinese Rugs
Kilim Rug
Group of musical instruments
17 maps by H. Moll
Omega 18k watch
Civil War items
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036