McMurray Cataloged Auction #74
of Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins,
Apothecary/Drugstore & Advertising items.
Our absentee mail/phone bid
Closing Date: Saturday, March 27, 10 PM EST
McMurray Antiques & Auctions,
P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795
Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s: Log Cabin Cough & Consumption Remedy, Log Cabin Extract, Safe Nervine, 2 Sizes = Safe Remedies Co. Compound. Bitters: S.T Drakes Plantation, Sarsina Stomach, West India Stomach Bitter, Sandborn’s Laxative Bitters, Dr. Jacobs’ Bitters, Dr. Langley’s Root & Herb, Prickly Ash, Dr. Pierce’s Indian Restorative Bitters, Dr. Warren’s, Sample size Dr. Harter’s. Winan’s Bros. Indian Cure, Amber, Hampton’s V. Tincture Mortimer & Mowbray Baltimore, Pages Veg. Syrup for Females, Dr. T.J Kilmers Special Remedies, Dr. Kilmer’s Female Remedy, Swamp-Root and Ocean-Weed Heart Remedy. Dr. McLean’s Liver & Kidney Balm and Strengthening Cordial, Lydia Pinkham’s Blood Purifier and Veg. Compound, Mrs. Dinsmore’s Balsam, Lighty’s Celery Nerve Compound, Dr. Green’s Blood Purifier & Nerve Tonic, Dr. King’s Sarsaparilla, Dr. James’ Stillingine & Sarsap., Rare, Kemp’s Sarsaparilla, 2 Sizes = Dr. Harter’s Lung Balm, Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, Doct. Mott’s Cough Balsam, Tilden & Co. New Lebanon. Label/Pontiled: Tilden & Co. NY., Longley’s Panacea, DeWitt’s Pain Reliever, John Bull’s King of Pain, C.C Bristol-Buffalo, Dr. Guysott’s Sarsaparilla, Dr. Kennedy’s Medical Discovery, Bach’s American Compound, Holden’s Dysentary & Diarrhoea Cordial, Dr. Porter, Snow & Mason’s. Many of the above with Boxes!!
Tins: Unusual, D.C.A New National Cigar Tin with Drugstore/Apothecary designs at the sides, Dr. Hall’s Catarrh Remedy, Crosby’s Swedish Asthma Cure, Superior Cough Drops, Magic Regulators – Trial Treatment, Dr. Kilmer’s U&O Sample and more!!
Tooth Powder Tins: Dr. Belding’s Tooth Powder, Holman’s Tooth Powder, Dike’s, Riker’s, Once-A-Week Tooth Powder, Dentist’s Friend, Sanitary Tooth Soap flat pocket tin. Tooth Bottles = Meade & Baker’s Carbolic Mouth Wash, J.I Brown’s & Sons Oriental Tooth Powder, Vernas Lotion / Mouth Wash, Unusual Pande Tooth Powder Wooden Cylinder. Daisy Tooth Forceps with box. Nice, Dr. Graft’s Riggscide Medicated Tooth Powder Sign, etc.
Pills: Scarce, Warner’s Safe Yeast Cannister, Strong & Osgood’s Physianthroptic Pills, Gum-To-Bac Medicated Gum box, Nice, Kennedy’s Headache Tablets Countertop Store Display, Marshall’s Asthma Cigarettes, Lot of 10 Eopa Homeopathic Home Remedies from San Francisco, Ca., Other Group Pill Lots etc…
Apothecary: 2 Different Reverse Glass Specie Jars, Label Under Glass Jars in Clear, Amber, Green and Cobalt Blue! 2 = W.R Warner & Co. LUG Pedestal Base Jars, 2 = Early Amethyst Storage Jars, 2 Sizes: Inverted Merck Jars, Ceramic Ointment Pots, Set of Cardboard Drug Jars, Dr. Wansbrough’s Nipple Shields, Quassia Cup, Phenix Breast Pump, The Lycosite “Quack Device” with box, Parke-Davis & Co. Store Tins and more!!
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Juniper Tar Healing Balm, Dr. Lesure’s Fever Drops, Dr. A.C Daniel’s Eye Wash. Packages: Rare, Carey’s GESS Horse & Cattle Powders, Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders, Owen’s Poultry Powder, Fleck’s Poultry Powder, Trial Package = Pratts Food for Horses, Cows, Hogs, Sheep. Cannisters: Lightning Lice Killing Powder, Dr. Lesure’s Dusting Powder, Talbot’s Flea Powder. Unusual, Large size Hahn’s Celebrated Hog Cholera Preventive and Deobstruent Powder Tin, Seibert Handy Fly Tin. Rare, Labaree Veterinary Medicine Co. “Pharaoh’s Horses” tin litho Tray etc…
Advertising: Signs: Graphic, International Honey-Tar Foot Remedy, Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, Ayer’s: Cathartic Pills and Ague Cure. Warner’s Safe Cure, Dr. D. Jayne’s Expectorant Poster – Lafayette, Dana’s Sarsaparilla, Nice, Dr. Russell’s Pepsin Calasaya Bitters. Embossed Tin = Welch’s Magic Tea Cures Constipation, Malaria etc., Reverse Glass: Nice, Dr. Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters, Dr. McLane’s Vermifuge, Dr. Jayne’s Family Medicines, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. West’s Liver Pills Advertising Mirror. Complete, 1900 Antikamnia Calendar, Rare, Drink French’s Celery & Caffeine Bromide LUG Counter Jar, Unusual, Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer Jug, Rare, Eye- Fix Cast Iron Advertising Clock, Dr. Scholl’s Porcelain Thermometer. Selection of wood shipping crates & more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to: McMurray
Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795.
Phone (607) 775-5972 or Phone/Fax (607) 775-2321
Post auction price list included.
I am currently accepting quality items for future sales.
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