Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc. Spring 2021 Antiques Auction
Friday, May 7, 2021 at 10am
21 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA
Country, Primitives, Folk Art and Americana
Preview: Tuesday, May 4th @ 10am till 4pm
Wednesday, May 5th @ 10am till 4pm
Thursday, May 6th @ 10am till 4pm
Day of Sale from 8am till Sale
INCLUDING: Stoneware and Redware Pottery: (50+) Blue Decorated Stoneware and Redware Crocks and Jugs: Chicken Pecking Corn, Blue Birds, Flowers, Cake Crocks, Jars, Script Advertising Jugs (Mauch Chunk, Hoboken, Jersey City, Woodbridge, High Bridge, Plainfi eld, Dover, Newton, Newark, East Orange, Elizabeth, Morristown and More). Redware Crocks, Jugs and Pie Plates.
Yellowware Mold and Seaweed Pattern Bowl. – Woodenware: Butter Molds, Tiger Maple Rolling Pin, Wooden Plates, Pantry Boxes, Bowls, Butter Churn, Carved Birds, Doughbox, Carved Canes, Carved and Painted Presentation Ship, Painted Church, Large Handled Rye Basket, Melon Baskets, Wool Basket w/Wooden Feet, Native American Tourist Baskets, Native American Medicine Bag, Tramp Art Seashell Frame, Shaker Items, Painted Firkin, Crown of Thorns Frame, Mangling Boards, Painted Sled, Painted Sausage Stuffer, Green Bean Huller, Advertising Signs, Snuff Boxes, Signed. Cranberry Scoop, Painted Bucket, Carved Horse Head Wall Plaque, Carnival Wheel, Childs Paint Decorated Chair, Cutlery Boxes and More. – Iron, Brass and Tinware: Heart Trivet, Dachshund Boot Scraper, Banks, Saddle/Bridle Holders, Traps, Cast Iron Safe, Copper Tea Kettle, Push-Up Candleholders, Candlesticks, Toleware, Painted Water Cooler, Large Brass Bucket, Andirons, Elma Coffee Grinder, English Gaff, Powder Flasks, Tin Canteen, Whale Oil Lamp, Horse Bridles, Swords, Bayonets and More. – Glass And Porcelain: Historical Blue Peking Platter, Spatterware, English Alphabet Plates, Liquor Bottles (Paper Labels), Glass Domes, Chalkware, Native American Pottery and More. – Gameboards: Slate Decorated Parcheesi, Chinese Checker and Checkerboards (Also, Slate Decorated Spool Holder). Painted Wooden Parcheesi and Checkerboards and More. – Quilts and Coverlets: (40+) Hand Stitched Quilts and 19th C. Coverlets (NJ and PA). Vintage Bathing Suit and Swim Shoes – (20+) Oriental, Hooked and Rag Rugs: Framed Folk Art Dog Hooked Rug – Paintings and Prints: Landscapes, Still Lifes, Silhouettes, Portraits, Lithographs, Engravings and More.
– Furniture: Grain Painted Dry Sink, Decorated Side Chairs, Blanket Chests, Cherry Corner Cupboard, Walnut Blind Door Cupboard, Chest of Drawers, Scalloped Top Tea Table, Wash Stand, Benches, Tavern Table, Walnut Jam Cupboard, Farm Table, high Chest, Bucket Bench, Candle Stands, One Drawer Stands, Mirrors, Early High Chair, Petite Spinning Wheel, Drop Leaf Tables, Slant Front Desk, Demilune Table, Stretcher-Base Tables, Dental Cabinet, Tilt-Top Table, Doll Cradle, Bamboo Bookcase, Needlepoint Stand, Advertising Pen Display Case and More. – Garden Furniture: Cast Iron Benches, Tables, Hitching Posts, Urns, Plant Stands, Architectural Fan and More.
50+ Blue Decorated
Stoneware Pieces
25+ Coverlets & Quilts Maple Chest – on – Chest
Painted Cloth
Carved Horse
Player o/b
Painted Sausage Stuffer
Garden Bench Cast Iron Hitching Posts Wooly Gathering Basket
Carved Birds Crown of Thorns Slate Parcheesi Board Dental Cabinet
Dog Hooked Rug Seaweed Decorated Bowl Stoneware Group Painted Trunk Handled Rye Basket
Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc., , Bangor, PA 18013
610/588/5831 1-800-724-6808 FAX: 610/588/6206
PA # AU – 000395-L AH – 1919 EST. 1943
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036