Bill Spicer Auction
May 26
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple
1515 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown, RI
(401) 265-5104
Viewing at noon
For More Pictures See (auctioneer # 2954) • **Day of auction 401 265-5104**
DIRECTIONS: FROM CT: Take 95 north to exit 5A (102 S). Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3 and continue on 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: Take 95 south to exit 9 (Rt 4). Follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N). S)tay on 102 for ¼ mile. Temple is on right.
FURNITURE: Mini blanket chest; 3 early blanket chests, old pant; early writing desk; 5-door stacking bookcase; Harvest drop leaf table; pencil post bed; English yew wood cupboard; stick side table; 2-door cupboard; farm table; Mission 2-door cabinet; 2-door hanging cabinet; claw foot slant front desk; 2-door music cabinet; Empire secretary; 5 Windsor chairs; 4-drawer wall cabinet; Queen Anne chair; invalid chair; 6 x 5, 6 x 4, 5 x 3 Oriental rugs
MISC: Violin by Maskichi Suzuki and bow by R.G. Stahl; “Lefton” violin; Orpheum style guitar; Columbia Graphophone record player with base cabinet; “Boot & Shoe Manufactory” wooden sign; “Funks Hybrid Salesman” sign, 53” x 40”; lg metal statue of man on horse, signed; 10 men on horseback (metal); 10 metal horses; Billy Royal Texas saddle; 2 other saddles; horse brasses on harness; pr Oriental vases; carved ivory item with figures; ivory netsukes; 2 Oriental men on base; Chinese open box with jade inserts; lanterns; “Purelard” tin; 2 pewter charges; 48 star flag; wooden puzzles; 2 U.S. Navy spyglasses (16 power); Sipe & Sons Westport PA jug; 89-day ships clock; steamship; wooden sailboat; 30” carved wooden fish; 2 early tole trays; tole ware tins; 2 Victorian hanging lamps; 4 early crab nets; boat oars; 3 large boat anchors; 10 other boat anchors; Signal Corps US Army radio receiver; pr Pioneer speakers Model #CS-33A; wheel barrow; sewing kit; figural inkwell; figurine by Verrlon; bronze dog; pr nodders; Russian medal; 3 Nantucket baskets; 1832 sampler Daboll, Groton, CT; 1896 German sampler; English sampler; large pc of coral; 2 early firkins – old paint; 1869 crock; excellent wooden bowl, old blue; burl bowl; 2 trenchers; hyde dome top truck; 2 Victorian carriages; Hammets loom; Ellis Hob Jr sewing machine; Roseville; 1949 Rookwood vase; 4 “Coach” bags; sleigh bells; Owens standard glaze mug; decoys; swirl marble; 2 cast iron ladles, one is Rowell; cast iron mini pans; cast iron Griswold stiek pan; #866 cast iron lamb mold; cast iron Roys & Wilcox 1849 coffee roaster; ship barrel loader; bullet shells; 1983 Apple Macintosh Plus computer; Chelsea dishes; Wordway Gyrator washing machine
STERLING/JEWELRY/COINS: Some sterling; costume jewelry; beaded bag
EPHEMERA: J.H. Coltons 1860 atlas; 1901 Peerless atlas; 1864 Lippincotts atlas; postcards; stamps & stamp album; Adams Synchrological chart or map of history; children’s books; The Fishery Industries of US books; game fishing books with colored plates; fly rod books; salt water fishing books; game fishing books; tackle & fly tying books; 8-1894 Great Men and Famous Women books; 6 vols History of our Country, 1900; 5 vols 1888 The Count of Monte Cristo; 1906 RI map; hand signed photo of President Wm H Taft
MILITARY/FISHING/TOOLS: Military buttons; Grays fly fishing tackle box & contents; Orvis silver label fly rod; Bill Server bamboo fly rod; Ken Abrames #2,#3 Salmo fishing rods; 2 March Brown limited fishing rods; Sage graphite fly rod; Fenwich fly rods; LLBean fly rod; 4 fishing rod cases; salt water fishing plugs; lot of fishing flies; box of fishing reels; pr fishing reel bookends; Yellowstone 8’6” fly rod; RL Winston fly rod; Michael A Miller fly rod; David Pollack fly rod; pr lathe legs; 2 wooden planes; wooden molding planes; B&S MFG bevel square; Emmert vise; wooden lathe; lion trimmer; Van Norman & Co vise; small blue anvil; machinist tool lots; machinist tool boxes; tool carrier, old paint; chisels; tool books; 2 metal levels; tool handles & mallets, hammers; photo of cobbles shop
PAINTINGS: Oil/c “Summer Afternoon” by Asher B. Durand; watercolor with red barn; oil/b by John Bannon; o/c house, mountains and moon; painting of an Indian by Worden Bethall; w/c by G. Cousins; 2 etchings by Robert Fulton Logan of Yale; painting by John Lowrgan; drawings of birds by B. French; picture of Oriental man; 8 dog engravings; painting by Helen Bacon; 1884, N.B. Frost fishing engraving; 1894 picture of stream with row boat
TOYS/DOLLS: Steiff bear; 20” early teddy bear; peddle car; dollhouse & furniture; ethnic doll; 2, horse drawn CI toys; #1 Hills Alphabet blocks; royal game of good pamphlet; other early games; Japan doll in case; Parker Bros travel game; 2 porcelain head German dolls; 2 early cloth dolls
Cash. RI or known check only. Mastercard/Visa.
15% buyer’s premium – 3% discount cash or check
Oriental stone sculpture – 2 men
Man on Horseback, signed
Maskichi Suzuki violin & R.G. Stahl bow
Machinist tool box
Early tole tray
“Boot and Shoe Manufactory” sign
Bill Server bamboo fly rod
Billy Royal Texas saddle
Peddle car
Oil/canvas house & trees
Game fishing books with colored plates
3 Nantucket baskets
Columbia Graphophone record player
Approx 15 fly rods
2 early firkins, old finish
Early etchings of man & woman
Oil/canvas “Summer Afternoon” by Asher B. Durand Emmert vise
Slant lid claw foot desk
Orpheum style guitar
Vintage chisels
Early wooden bowl, old blue
Early blanket box, old finish
Good selection of machinist tools
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036