McMurray Antiques & Auctions Cataloged Auction #75
Closing Date: July 24 at 10 am EST
P.O. Box 393
Kirkwood, NY
Absentee mail/phone bids
Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins, Apothecary/Drugstore and Advertising Signs, Featuring items from the well-known Jerry Phelps Collection.
Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s = Log Cabin Hops & Buchu Remedy, Safe
Cure, Safe Nervine, Diabetes Remedy, Dr. Craig’s Kidney Cure for Brights Disease,
Radium-Radia, O-Sa-To Indian Tonic, Lightening Sarsaparilla, Wetherall’s
Sarsaparilla, Dr. Belding’s Wild Cherry Sarsaparilla, Dr. Picault Mother’s Treasure,
Swaim’s Panacea. 5 Different Dr. Shoop’s: Cough Cure, Croup Remedy,
Cough Remedy, Croup Cure and Rheumatic Remedy. Cobalt Blue Puritana, Green
Piso’s Cure, Chase’s Dyspepsia Cure, Himalya Nature’s Cure, Carey’s Cough
Cure, Dr. Kaiser’s Cough Cure, Wait’s White Pine cough Cure, Prof. Lorman’s
Indian Oil, Dr. Davis’ Family Medicines – Seneca Falls NY, Henry’s Vermont Liniment,
Parks Cough Syrup, Hunt’s Remedy etc…Label & Pontiled: Dr. Guysott’s
Comp. Extract of Yellow Dock & Sarsaparilla, Professor Woods Hair Restorative,
Brants Indian Balsam, Dr. Jaugo Spanish Ague-Remedy, 3 Diff. Sizes = Davis’
Vegetable Pain Killers, Wheatley’s Spanish Liniment, S.M Kier Petroleum, I.L St.
John’s Carminative Balsam, F.W Huntington, Port Huron, Mich. Etc… Labeled
Bitters: Dr. Warren’s Quaker Bitters, Home Stomach Bitters, Vermo Stomach,
Augauer, Begg’s Dandelion, Dr. Von Hopf’s, Renault Bitters, Boyer’s Stomach
Bitters, Clarke’s Mandrake, Baxter’s Mandrake, 2 Different N.K Brown’s Bitters
from Burlington, VT and Milwaukee, Wisc. And more!! Many of the above
with Original Boxes Also!!!
Tins: Nice, Antikamnia & Heroin Tablets, Constant Female Pills, Bunsen’s Catarrh
Cure, Make-Man Tablets, Marvin’s Cascara Chocolates, Gastrogen Tablets,
Pond’s Laxative Pills, Cascara-Elm Cure Constipation, Blacko Tablets, Unguentine
Store tin, Complete Countertop Displays for Surety Aspirin and Whites
Pink Tablets, Group Lots and more!
Tooth Powder Tins: Dr. Holt’s, Severa’s, Military Tooth Powder, Phenoris Antiseptic,
Colgates Dental Powder, Riker’s, Perfection, Cheney’s Listerated Tooth
Powder and Painless Parker. Tooth Bottles = Glyco-Thymoline, & Antiseptine
Tooth Powder.
Pills: Sex-ine Pills, Ma-Le-Na Worm Tablets, Henry Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters
Tablets, Parmelee’s New Vegetable Pills, Gooch’s Mexican, Dr. Herrick’s, Morley’s
Little Liver Pills, Dr. Hunt’s New Corn Cure, Dr. Spark’s Corn Cure. Wood Pill
Ovals: Conger’s Mandrake Liver Pills, Dr. Todd’s Anti-Bilious Pills, Dr. Morse’s
Indian Root Pills, McLean’s Universal Pills. Complete Counter Display Box of
Bick’s Laxative Headache Tablets, group lots, etc….
Apothecary: Label Under Glass Jars in Clear, Amber, Green and Nice Set of
3 Large Size = Wm. R. Warner & Co. Private Label Jars in Cobalt Blue! Another
set of 4 = 16” tall Cobalt Blue English Shelf Jars. F.E CANNABIS. IN. Gold
lug apothecary jar. Early Amethyst Carboy Storage Jar, Inverted Merck Jars,
6 Different Labeled Poison Bottles, Lot of Porcelain Drawer Pulls, Wooden,
Peruvian Quassia Cup and more!!
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Dr. Daniels Eye Wash, Pileozion Wonder Worker
and Sulphur Tablets, Dr. Johnson’s Distemper Remedy, Hood Farm Colic Cure,
“Oculum” Germicide, I.X.L Liniment, Agoil to Cure Colic & Distemper in Animals,
2 = Merchant’s Gargling Oils. Packages: Dr. Earl S. Sloan Horse Powders,
SaloVet Poultry Tonic, Pratt’s Poultry Regulator. Dr. LeGear’s Egg Laying Tablets.
Unusual, Blackman’s Stock & Poultry Medicines Tin-Litho Counter Stand.
Complete Counter Display for Bickmore Gall Salve for Horses & Cattle. Security
Food Compound Wooden Bucket, Dr. Daniels’ Dog & Puppy Bread sign, 1903 Dr.
Daniels Calendar etc…
Advertising: Signs: Dr. Jaynes: Expectorant / Tonic Vermifuge = John Adams
Poster, Matching Pair = George & Martha Washington Family Medicines in
Original Frames!! Reverse Glass Dr. Jayne’s Alterative The Best Blood Purifi er.
Early, Civil War Era Broadside for Dr. Jackson’s Liniment, Dr. Hand’s Remedies
for Children, Dr. Haynes’ Arabian Balsam, Kemps Balsam The Best Cough Cure,
Comstock’s Dead Shot Pellets for Worms, Warner’s Safe Yeast, Ayer’s Hair
Vigor, Embossed Tin = Dr. George’s Herb Medicine Case etc… 5 Drops for Rheumatism
Wooden Thermometer. Nice Counter Die-Cuts for: Shac Headache Wafers
and Nujol for Constipation. Big, Display Box for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin.
Unusual, California Cough Balsam Stoneware Mini-Jug, 1897 Antikamnia Calendar,
Amber, Hick’s Capudine lug Counter Jar, Dr. Kings New Life Pills Counter
Jar, Selection of wood shipping crates and more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to: McMurray Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795.
Post auction price list included.
Currently accepting quality items for future sales.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036