WEDNESDAY, October 20, 2021 • 5pm •
Viewing at noon
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple •
1515 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown, RI
For more pictures see (auctioneer # 2954)
**Day of auction 401 265-5104**
FURNITURE: William and Mary chair; 1830
bible stand by Henry Elder – Kingston; Queen Anne drop leaf table; set of 7 – E. Tracy Windsor chairs; period low boy; Eames 1946 chair; period slant front desk; flip top card table; 2-door, 3-drawer cabinet; mahg one-door cabinet; round oak china; Chinese one-drawer stand Chinese 3-drawer alter table; Salesman sample of bureau by Harry Roth; RUGS: PR Oriental prayer rugs; Russian Oriental rug; 2 Oriental rugs both 1’10” x 3’9”; Kelim rug; Mosul rug; MISC: Vict penny slot machine; Chinese bronze vase; 2 bronze plaques, Mission oak clock; 2 baseball gloves; Wright & Diston baseball bat; 1955 Satellite jumping shoes; 1909 Motioghaph model #1A silent film projector; Thomas Edison graphophone; 1884 sign from “Former Kingston” fairgrounds; 1825 fire bucket; whale harpoon & blubber knife; 2 swordfish swords; spears; Weems & Plath sextant; 6’ wooden propeller; stain glass window; 2 Abe Lincoln plaques;
Decoys: (G A Harvey decoy; pin tail, goose, 4 shore birds, 2 sand pipers); pr of carved geese; flower frogs; crock with blue bird; Haxston & Ottoman crock; 2 Indian baskets; Canton dishes; license plates; 8 Ducal soup plates1851 iron side sled; shaving mirrors; sconces; Chinese box; C.I. pans; period fireplace andirons & tools; 48 star flags; branding iron; Home Vacuum Cleaner by R. Armstrong; John Frederics NY hat; 1815 coin spoons; bottles; 18, 8” Regina disks; pr period candlesticks & bell; New Haven banjo clock; 2 crazy quilts; vintage clothing;
EPHEMERA: many RI history books; many RR books; 3 vols “Central N.E. Railway” books- signed by author; post card albums; 1923 Eddie Toy “boxing book”; 1937 army navy football game tickets & program; 1890 letters; 1878 Nat. Rifle Assoc program; Civil War letters; WWI letters; WWII 43rd div artillery photos; WWI military photos; South Pacific active WWII press photos; photos of band & baseball team; soldiers letters; Halloween post cards; 1918 map “Armistice Day” of division locations; 1920-30 linen back officer’s training maps; litho by J. Bien “Camp of the 11th Regiment”; WWI paper lot (National Lancers); Shetucket bank notes; 1925, 1955 Brown University banners TOOLS: Jo Fuller, Prov. & J R Gale Prov. wooden planes; 6 molding planes; Peel & Broad axe; many lots of tools; lot of early hinges (strap, HL, etc); carpenter’s toolbox; chisels; door handles; early hoes and axe; letter stamps; copper well pump; oak locks oars
MILITARY/FISHING: gun lot; Saloon 9mm pistol; New Haven 22 rifle; Thompson Center Arms 50 cal. rifle; regimental pins; USN gas alarm; 2 wooden police alarms; 5 WWI cavalry spurs with photos; military books; uniforms; Civil War lot – canteen, cup, epaulette, etc
PAINTINGS; 3 paintings of airplanes by Bill Paxton, Maine; original etching by Goya; original etching “Poor Ruby” by Picasso #96E; lithograph Naomi & her Daughter inlay by Chagall; lithograph The Blue Fish by Chagall, M198; water/color “Eggplant” by Charles Chue; woodblock print by Akitoyo Inove; abstract by Dennis Triplett; 2 oils/c by Dennis Driscoll; water/c by Margret Triplett; painting by Garreau Dombala; oil on panel by Yves Parent Asma “Spanish Moss”; oil/c by Janet Schafner; oil/c cows by M W Miller; oil/c by J Dennison Crocker – 19th cent; oil/b by Ardis S Holliday; o/b 2 boys in a boat; original engraving “Head” 1932 by Roualt
TOYS: 1930 Wyandotte P-35 steel airplane; 25” German Handwerck Halbig doll; #2 ½ Mignon doll; blocks, paper dolls; wooden puzzles; “Smashed up Locomotive” puzzle; 5 early dolls; 3 wooden dolls; 2 Skookum dolls; Vict peep show box; doll’s bedding & clothing; doll’s dress form; doll house & furniture; 2 French Deco dolls; 3pc Bavarian train set; 3 boxes of N-gauge trains; 2 boxes Lionel trains; rocking horse; Matchbox toys; mini slant front desk; child’s blanket chest; 1922 Toonerville trolley; tin/cast iron horse drawn wagons; Pinocchio acrobat plus cars; German acrobat & box; 19th cent push toy w/ bells; pr 1846 badminton racquets by T. Prince; child’s Singer sewing machine; early St Bernard toy dog; 3 Steiff bears, one with wheels; Steiff kitten; 1917 Kico German billard tin toy; 1923 “the Powerful Karinka” tin toy; tin 4-window auto coach; lot swirl marbles; toy drummer bear; 3 ABC plates
Cash • RI or known check only • Mastercard/Visa
15% buyer’s premium, 3% discount cash or check
276 Widow Sweets Rd • Exeter, R.I. 02822
401 265-5104
• FROM CT: Take 95 N to exit 5A (102 S). Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3 and continue on Rt 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
• FROM MASS: Take 95 S to exit 9 (Rt 4). Follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N). Stay on 102 for ¼ mile. Temple is on right.
3 vols “Central N.E. Railway” autographed by author
Jo-Fuller & J.R. Gale, Prov. pr carved geese
shore birds & decoys
1884 sign from Former Kingston, RI Fairgrounds
one of 2 Oriental prayer rugs 7’x4’
Saloon 9mm pistol
Thompson Center Arms 50 cal. rifle
Tonnerville 1922 trolley
Seiff bears, one w/ wheels
1909 Motiograph model
#1A silent film projector
harpoon & bubbler knife
7 E. Tracy Windsor chairs Halloween post cards
Weems & Plath sextant
etching “Poor Ruby” by Picasso
1825 fire bucket 25” porcelain head
German doll
early spear 2 Indian baskets
HL hinges plus others
1917 Kico German tin toy
Chinese vintage clothing period slant front desk
bronze vase pr period andirons & tools
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036