Withington Auction Important Americana Auction
Saturday, November 6, at 10 am
American Legion Hall
538 Main Street •
Hillsborough, New Hampshire
HILLSBOROUGH, N.H. — Over the past several years, Withington Auctions has been known primarily for its doll auctions. However, in an earlier era, Richard W. Withington was known for its Americana sales, auctioning some of the finest American furniture and collectibles. Additionally, Dick Withington, New Hampshire’s number “1” auctioneer (he held New Hampshire Auctioneer License #1), was perhaps the finest entertainer on the auction block.
The past is now foreshadowing the future as New Hampshire Auctions and Appraisals partners with Withington Auctions to bring a pre-Veterans Day live, in-person/internet Americana auction on Saturday, November 6. The auction will be conducted, most appropriately, at the American Legion in Hillsborough (Dick’s hometown) and will include an assortment of items from several New England and New York estates, including American furniture, paintings, prints, accessories, garden statuary, porcelain and rare maps.
Headlining the sale is a collection of rare maps, including a first edition “Montresor Plan” after the military engineer Captain John Montresor, who created it. The map is titled A Plan of the City of New York and its Environs to Greenwich on the North or Hudson River,…survey’d in the Winter, 1776. At the time of the survey, New York was furious over the passage of the Navigation Acts, the Quartering Act and the odious Stamp Acts. Fearing open revolt, General Thomas Gage, commander-in-chief of the British forces headquartered in New York, ordered Montresor to prepare a map of the city and its surroundings. Although the first edition of the map proved to be somewhat unsatisfactory, it was the first map to detail the area north of Manhattan to present day Greenwich Village, as well as New York Harbor and the surrounding islands. Very few maps of this first edition were produced, making this map exceptionally rare. A later edition was used extensively during the Revolutionary War.
A second map, drawn by Dutch cartographer Johannes van Keulen, titled Pas-Kaart Vande Zee Kusten van Niew Nederland Anders Genaamt Niew York, is also rare. The map dates to circa 1702 and is a hand colored, copper wheel engraving. This map was the first map to show the entire Hudson River, from its entrance at New York Bay to Albany.
Also included in the sale is the famous “Beaver Map” titled, A New and Exact Map of the Dominions of the King of Great Britain on ye Continent of North America…. Herman Moll, another well-known Dutch cartographer of the Seventeenth Century, published this map as two joined sheets, using the copper wheel method. This map is dated 1711 and has an elaborate cartouche on the right side along with an inset showing how beavers in North America line up and carry their logs on their shoulders in a supposed military formation.
Another interesting map is The Plan of the City of Washington. It was one of several different maps of Washington, DC, that were published in the 1790s. This is the second edition from 1795 and the first to be published in England. This map gives the suggested plan of Washington, DC, at the time, but more importantly, it includes an ink drawing of three buildings that were added to the map by hand. This map appears to have been used in DC and kept current as new buildings were constructed.
Several other maps will be offered, including two Currier & Ives hand colored lithographs of the City of New York and of the Port of New York.
Leading the category of presidential paintings, porcelain, textiles and eagles are three paintings of America’s Founding Fathers — Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton. The Washington portrait hung for many years in a historical society in Pennsylvania. Although unsigned, the painting was expertly executed and was done in the manner of the famous portrait artist Gilbert Stuart. Both painting and frame date to around 1820-30.
Paintings of Thomas Jefferson are rather scarce and are considered highly desirable. A circa 1830 oil on canvas painting was done after Gilbert Stuart’s famous example.
Portraits of Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the treasury, rarely appear on the market. The artist, George A. Tompkin, based it on the original by John Trumbull, which is illustrated on the $10 bill. Tompkin, a noted artist from Mystic, Conn., signed and dated the painting “1934” on the back.
Also offered is a grouping of Liverpool porcelain jugs depicting the first four presidents — Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison. These were made for the American creamware market. In addition to the presidential jugs, an assortment of other Liverpool pitchers will be offered.
Additional items for sale in the presidential/political category include two examples of the Declaration of Independence printed on cloth. This design was produced by Colin Gillespie of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1821, once again for the American market. This particular printing has facsimile signatures and state seals of the original 13 states.
“The Death of General Washington,” made after the engraving by Amos Doolittle, also known as the “Paul Revere of Connecticut,” will also be offered. The commemorative textile, printed in Philadelphia around 1800, includes six cartouches surrounding the death scene and praising the general, who was “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of Americans.”
Included in the auction will be a carved wooden eagle along with a pair of wooden, gold-gilt eagle brackets.
Highlights of furniture and accessories on offer include the Effingham Embree Federal mahogany tall case clock, which exhibits a pagoda-style bonnet, inlays and a distinctive inlaid eagle. Other furniture of note to be included is a rare John Needles neoclassical, marble top pier table with the original marble top, a Seymour mahogany dining table and card table with bird’s-eye maple apron, a Rhode Island card table, possibly made by John Townsend, two rare New York painted decorated side chairs and a rare diminutive sideboard from Massachusetts.
An onsite preview will be conducted at the Legion Hall from 8 to 10 am the morning of the sale. Additional auction previews to be conducted October 30 and November 1 and 2, 10 am to 4 pm, at the Withington Auctions’ offices at 41B Main Street in Goffstown, N.H. Previews also available by appointment.
The American Legion Hall is at 538 West Main Street. For additional information, 603-680-1676, 603-491-7136, 603-731-9876 or www.withingtonauction.com.
Goffstown, New Hampshire
October 30, 10am–4pm
November 2 and 3, 10am–4pm
Or by appointment
41 B Main Street • Goffstown, NH 03048 • 603-384-1733
Bidding done on LiveAuctioneers, phone or absentee bids, along with in-person live.
NH Auctioneer License #4041
Unique cloth print of the Upper Ferry Bridge, a record-setting timber bridge
Currier & Ives lithograph of the Port of NY across the Schuylkill River
dated 1892 with the Statue of Liberty present Currier & Ives scarce lithograph of the City of NY dated 1876 with superb hand coloring
Poster announcing a balloon flight in 1831 by Charles Durant, first American Balloonist, launching from Castle Gardens NY amid 20,000 spectators
Very fine portrait of Hamilton by artist, George A. Tompkin, based on the original by John Trumbull
Large portrait of Washington after Gilbert Stuart, circa 1825 with fabulous frame
George Washington terracotta bust attributed to the famous French sculptor Houdon
A rare portrait of Jefferson circa 1830
4 Liverpool creamware jugs of the first four Presidents including the
rare Jefferson. Each jug was created for the inaugurals of each President
Superb reverse painting of Lafayette
Reverse painting on glass (Eglomise) of Washington done in Germany for export to America circa 1820
Reverse painting of Washington wearing the order of Cincinnati GAR Banner 1844 Muster of the NY 1st Division Artillery including the famed Washington Greys
Very rare 1st edition Map known as the Montresor Map of New York ordered by General Gage in case NY rebelled after the odious Stamp Act
Famous Beaver Map by Herman Moll depicted the East Coast with a side inset of beavers on the march
One of a kind map by 12-year-old Elizabeth Simmons of Duxbury, MA, in 1830 with original tiger maple frame
Another famous Dutch cartographer, Johannes van Keulen, with the first map showing the Hudson River all the way up to Albany circa 1700
A colored roll map of CT by Willis Thrall in 1831 with original rollers
This rare 1795 map of Washington DC has hand printed updates of three buildings as the city grew after 1800
Declaration of Independence printed on cloth. Printed in 1821.
This auction will feature 200 lots of exceptional quality to include
landscape paintings, primitives, early American furniture and choice reproductions, 18th century woodenware, Hester Bateman silver coffee pot, garden statuary, Civil War documents, Argand lamps and exceptional mirrors to include a rare Boston Neo-Classical looking glass, a girandole ,irror and a large Eglomise mirror.
VT grain painted card table Frederick Norden’s
“Travels to Egypt and Nubia” printed in 1757 with 159 detailed sketches and owned by the Earl of Sheffield, a renowned cricket enthusiast
Signed Tiffany Harp Floor Lamp with lily pad feet
Seymour Mahogony Dining Table & Set of 4 New York, carved, eagle-back, FederalChairs on a Heriz
Rare and important pair of painted NY Federal Charis – belonging to the same set exhibited in the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art
Salisbury NC prison where Pvt William Ryan penned his history of captivity.
Ryan later became famous for his compendium of fiddle tunes
Extremely rare 1826 sun dial made for Nathanial Neilson of Springfield by Robert Palmer
Rhode Island card table possibly John Townsend
Rare NH Candlestand with original painted decorations circa 1800
Pair of stone garden lions One of seven boxes.
Possibly a Mclnitre Neoclassical Girandole Mirror
Massachusetts Sheraton Side Board in Sacks Vol. II
Important John Needles marble top pier table, Baltimore 1825
Fine set of Liverpool creamware
Trade sign for a Saws Disston
Fine Effingham Embree tall clock exhibiting a distinctive eagle.
His NY clocks are in the White House and Winterthur
American Kettle Stand with original black and gilt surface
Early Pike Barometer
Center NE Sewing box circa 1830 has great original painted surface and interior.
The Sewing box on right is figured cherrywood with burl walnut and inlays
1 of several garden Buddhas
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036