McMurray Antiques & Auctions Cataloged Auction #76
absentee mail/phone bid
of Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins,
Apothecary/Drugstore and Advertising
Items, Featuring many items from the
extensive Jerry Phelps Collection!!
Closing Date: Saturday, Nov. 27, at 10 pm EST
Some of the highlights to include: Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s = Safe Tonic, Log Cabin Cough & Consumption Remedy, Rheumatic Remedy and A 6 oz. Diuretic Compound. Dr. Murray’s Magic Oil = S.F – Cal. Dr. Kennedy’s Prarie Weed, Gooch’s Sarsaparilla, Primley’s Sarsaparilla, Bell’s Sarsaparilla from Bangor, ME., Cann’s Kidney Cure, Dr. Roc’s Liver, Rheumatic & Neuralgic Cure, 2 Sizes: Dr. McLean’s Liver & Kidney Balm’s, Dr. A.J Flaggs Physician & Surgeon – Claremont, NH., Vincent’s Celery Compound – Lapeer, Mich, Dr. Wadsworth’s Dry-Up from Prov. R.I., Dr. White’s Pulmonaria from Indianapolis, IN., Swaim’s Panacea, Rare, Shaker Syrup / Enfield, N.H and Fluid Extract Valerian. S.A Richmond Samaritan Nervine, Dr. Kline’s Epileptic Remedy, Smith’s Green Mountain Renovator, Label & Pontiled: (Many Ex. Greer Bottles) Rare, Harrison’s Columbian Tonic Stimulant, Dunbar & Co’s Wormwood Cordial, Boston, Peruvian Syrup, Atwood’s Jaundice Bitters, 2 Different Sizes = Dr. S.S Fitch’s, Dr. Geo. Pierce’s Indian Restorative Bitters, Folger’s Olosaonian, J. Russell Spaulding’s Rose Mary, Oldridge Balm of Columbia, C. Marsh’s Pain Reliever. Labeled Bitters: 3 Different Sizes: Fancy, Royal Pepsin Stomach Bitters, Big Bill Best Bitters, Wheat Bitters, Johnson’s Calisaya, Genuine Bull Wild Cherry Bitters, 4 Log’s Drake’s Plantation, Dr. Petzold’s German Bitters, Hartley’s Peruvian Bark Bitters, Dr. Ryder’s Clover Bitters. Many of the above with Original Boxes Also!!!
Tins: Unusual, Madam C.J Walker’s Vegetable Shampoo, Seroco -The Wonder Heart Cure, Dr. M.A Simmons Liver Medicine, 2 Different Multi-color Mentholatum tins w/boxes, 2 = Dr. Shoop’s Samples: Green Salve & Catarrh Remedy, McGarrah’s Insect Powder. Complete, Packer’s Tar Soap Counter Display. E. Fougera’s Mustard Plaster and Deane’s Mustard Plaster Tins, group lots and more!
Tooth Powder Tins: Sher-Pira Tooth Powder, Golden Rule, Rex-Ton, Zincora, Luzier’s, Dr. E.L Graves, Peerless Tooth Powder, 2 Different sizes = Calox Tooth Powders W/Boxes!! Tooth Bottles = Perfect Tooth Powder, Rexall Tooth Wash etc…
Pills: Kickapoo Pills, 2 Different Kickapoo Suppositories = With Opium, Dr.
MacFarland’s Indian Pills, Shaker Family Pills and Toothache Pellets, C.I Hood’s Antiseplets, Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets, Early Wood Pill Ovals, Humphrey’s, Group Lots etc….
Apothecary: Label Under Glass Jars in Clear, Amber, Green and Cobalt Blue!
Nice Pink Ceramic Ointment Jar, Early Amethyst Storage Jar, Inverted Merck Jars
in 2 Sizes, Sealed, Areco Tooth Paste Pot & Lid. Early Parke-Davis Drug Tins (Coca
Leaves), Whitall-Tatum Suppository Machine,Small, Size Starkey & Palen Box w/
bottle, Bromo-Seltzer Dispenser, Nice Selection of Labeled Poisons and more!!
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Dr. Lesure’s Fever Drops, Dr. Lesure’s Colic Drops,
Cobalt Blue Merchant’s Gargling Oil w/box, Dr. Daniels Carbo-Negus, Columbia
Gall Remedy, G.C Taylor’s Liniment or Oil of Life. Packages: Capital Stock Food,
Clover Brand Worm Powder, Columbia Powdered Tobacco Controls Round Worms
in Poultry, Security Roup and Cold Remedy for Poultry. Tins: Mineral Compound for Horses Tin, Large Size Barber’s Hoof Ointment and Smaller Size Barber’s Healing Ointment, Scotch Gall Cure Tin and Cardboard Sign, Haven’s Climax Condition Powders Store Box, 1910 H.K Mulford Veterinary Price List, etc….
Books: 1874 Peter VanSchaack Catalog, 1904 UpJohn Fine Pharmaceuticals
Catalog, 1893 J. Ellwood Lee Co. Surgical Instrument & Druggist Sundries Catalog.
Advertising: Signs: Nice, Dr. Schenck’s Mandrake Liver Pills, Dr. DeWitt’s Household Remedies with Great Image of Store Interior!!, Large Poster for Sen-Gen-Ma = Picturing an Indian Chief in Full Head-dress, 2 Different Dr. D. Jayne’s Reverse Glass Signs for = Alterative & Expectorant, Dr. D. Jaynes Expectorant & Sanative Pills Poster for the“Flemish Bride”, Scotch Oil = The Best Liniment for Man or Beast, Empire Liniment = The World’s Greatest Household Remedy, Schweizer Swiss Alpine Herbs Bitters, Klondik-Cough Nuggets. Scarce, Laxa- Dean Wafers Label Under Glass Counter Jar from the C.F Simmons Med. Co. St. Louis. Complete 1899 Antikamnia Calendar, Unusual, Dr. Brown’s Magic Liniment Wood Thermometer, Rare, Ceramic Hagen’s Magnolia Balm Advertising Tile, Unusual, Cast-Iron Dr. D. Jayne’s Sanative Pills Wall Plaque, Selection of wood shipping crates and more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to: McMurray
Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795.
Phone (607) 775-5972 or Phone/Fax (607) 775-2321
Post auction price list included.
I am currently accepting quality items for future sales.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036