McMurray Antiques & Auctions Cataloged Auction #77 – Absentee Mail/Phone Bid
Closing Date: Saturday March 26th, 2022 at 10pm EST
P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795
(607) 775-5972
(607) 775-2321
Presents our absentee mail/phone bid CATALOGED AUCTION #77 of Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins, Apothecary/Drugstore and Advertising Items, Featuring many items from the extensive Jerry Phelps Collection!!
Some of the highlights to include: Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s = Log Cabin Scalpine with Hair Tonic Label & Box, Safe Kidney & Liver Cure, Safe Remedies Co. – Compound – A Diuretic. L.Q.C Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Partial Case = Reid’s German Cough & Kidney Cure, Da Costas Radical Cure, Dr. Burdick’s Kidney Cure, Hagenbuch’s Lung Balsam, Kennedy’s Medical Discovery, Radium-Radia, Cole Bros. Vegetable Bitters, Manner’s Sarsaparilla, Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy, Dr. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial, Lehman’s Indian Cough Balsam, Dr. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Syrup, Dr. Harter’s Fever & Ague Specific, Dr. Fenner’s Dyspepsia Cure, D. Ransom & Co. King of the Blood (Buffalo), Aqua, Paine’s Celery Compound, Dr. Jayne’s Expectorant w/Opium etc…
Label / Pontiled Medicines: Clemen’s Indian Tonic, F. Brown Boston Sarsaparilla & Tomato Bitters, Dr. B.W Hairs Sarsaparilla, Unique Form = Circassian Lymph (Ex. Greer), Dr. W.S Lunt’s Family Medicines (Ex. Greer), Dr. Fitch’s (Ex. Greer), Bogle’s Hyperion, 3 Diff. Color Labeled = Lawrence’s Carminative Childs Pain Killer, Mrs. Winslow’s etc.
Labeled Bitters: Dr. Herbert John’s Indian Bitters, Amber, Dr. Langley’s Root Bitters, Compound Hepatica Bitters, Mt. Vernon, ME (Ex. Gardner), Boerhave’s Holland Bitters, Genuine Turkish Rhubarb Bitters (Cincinnati), Germania Magen Bitters (Cleveland). Some of the above with Original Boxes Also!!!
Part 1 of a Dr. Kilmer Collection Featuring Bottles, Paper & Advertising: Rare, 4 1⁄4” tall Cylinder Dr. Kilmer’s Cough-Cure Sample, Early U.O.A. Anointment Jar, 3 1/8” tall Kidney Remedy Sample. Large Size, Dr. T.J Kilmer’s Special Remedies from Schoharie, NY. Labeled Examples (Most with Boxes): Large Size Ocean-Weed Heart Remedy (Embossed Heart), Medium Size Heart Medicine, Early, Dr. Kilmer’s Cough-Cure Consumption Oil, Small Size Cough Syrup, 2 Sizes Swamp-Roots, Dr. Kilmer’s Autumn Leaf Extract, Early, Dr. Kilmer’s Female Remedy, 3 Different U&O Anointment Jars, U&O Anointment Sample Tin, Early and Rare Box of Prompt Parilla Pills, Cylinder Vial for Prompt Parilla Liver Pills. Rare, Dr. Kilmer’s Pile Pipe and More!! Also, a Nice Selection of Early Almanacs, Complete Set of all 13 Known Trade Cards (Including the Rare Standard Herbal Remedies Card), Guides to Health, Swamp-Root Record, Advertising Envelopes, Bill Heads, Two Different Office Hours Cards, Letterheads, Blotters etc… Also, Check the Advertising Section for 2 Different Dr. Kilmer Advertising Signs!!
Tins: Kickapoo Indian Salve, Dr. Classe’s German Liver Regulator, Dr. Sharpsteen’s Hindoo Salve, Wetmore’s Anti-Dyspeptic Charcoal Tablets, Sykes Comfort Powder, Victory Vapor Balm, Cornbane Corn Remover, 7 Sample Talc Tins: 2 Different Mennen’s, Colgate Eclat, Monad, Florient and Cashmere Bouquet. Group Lots etc…
Tooth Powder Tins: ADS Tooth Powder, Pro-Phy-Tol Toothe Powder, Allen’s Sanitary Tooth-Ease, Sample William’s Tooth Powder, Dr. Tepper’s Gum Lyke. Tooth Bottles: J.I Brown & Sons Oriental Tooth Powder, Teaberry Tooth Powder, Pearl Dentifrice, World’s Par-More Tooth and Gum Treatment. Ceramic – Oriental Toothpaste Pot & Lid.
Pills: Lydia Pinkham’s Liver Pills, Dr. Shoop’s Nerve Pills, Piso’s Tablets, Shawnee Liver Pills, Dr. Marvin’s Mandrake Pills, Frog in Your Throat Lozenges, Warner’s Cathartic Pills, and a Sealed Pack of One Dozen Warner’s Log Cabin Liver Pills, Munyon’s, Humphreys, Group Lots etc…
Apothecary: Important = Samuel Alcock & Co. Handled Leeches Jar!! Early, Carbouy Shaped Amethyst Storage Jar. Tr. Cannab. Ind Label Under Glass Jar and others in Amber, Green and Cobalt Blue! Nice, Mander Weaver & Co. Ceramic Pill Tile, 2 sizes: Sir Hiram Maxim’s “Pipe of Peace” Inhaler. Wooden Pill Silverer, Nice, 1888 Peter VanSchaack & Sons Druggist Catalog. Two Different Poison Registers and More!!
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Dr. Lesure’s: Cough and Tonic Drops, Healing Balm, Special Liniment and Veterinary Fever Drops. Dr. Claris’ Colic Medicine, Wilbur’s Spavin Cure, Large Size, Green Merchants Gargling Oil, Small Size Cobalt Merchants, Stouder’s Distemper and Cough Remedy, Sloan’s Spasmodic Colic Medicine, Free Sample Sloan’s Family Liniment, Sloan’s Antiseptic Wart Remover, Sloan’s Quick Relief. Early, Dr. Daniels Cough, Cold & Fever Drops 1 Staniford St. Boston. Norwood’s Chill & Fever Drops, etc… Packages: Rare, Wilbur’s Sure Louse Killer, Sloan’s Worm and Tonic Powders for Horses. Cans: Lg. Size Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer, Pratt’s Worm Powder, We-No-Nah Louse Powder, Dr. Lesure’s Dusting Powder. Tins: Heckler’s Drawing and Healing Salve, Van Dyck’s Big V Gall Cure, Dr. Lesure’s Gall Cure. Nice, 1915 Truax, Greene & Co. Veterinary Instruments, Sundries, Drugs Catalog. Rare, Sloan’s Sure Colic Cure Sign and more!!
Advertising: Signs: Great, Dr. Kilmer’s Standard Herbal Remedies Roll Down with Body Inside a Bottle, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root = “Old Friends Are Best” Cardboard Sign with Easel Back. Early, Color Broadside for: The Celebrated Oxygenated Bitters for Dyspepsia, Dr. Harter’s Wild Cherry Bitters = Topless Nude Image, 2 = Dr. Jayne’s Tonic Vermifuge and Expectorant Posters Featuring George & Martha Washington, Nice, Larger Size Reverse Glass: Dr. D. Jayne’s Expectorant Coughs and Colds. Scarce, Drink – Queen Sherbet – Celluloid Sign, McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment Thermometer, Walla-Walla Pepsin Gum Counter Jar, Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills Celluloid Dexterity Puzzle. Selection of wood shipping crates and more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to: McMurray Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, N.Y. 13795.
I am currently accepting quality items for future sales. NEXT AUCTION SUMMER 2022
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