CRN Auctions, Inc. – The Collection Of G.W. Samaha
Sunday, June 19th at 11 am
CAMBRIDGE, MASS. — On Sunday, June 19, at 11 am, CRN Auctions will be selling the collection of G.W. “Bill” Samaha, a preeminent, highly respected dealer and collector of both formal and country American antiques since the 1960s. The highlight of the sale is a folk art portrait by John Brewster Jr (1766-1854) of his sister Betsey. It was on loan to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts for its exhibit in 2001 “American Folk.” CRN sold the companion portrait of Brewster’s other sister previously in October 2021.
The sale will be conducted at CRN Auctions gallery at 57 Bay State Road. There is an online catalog and bid forms on the CRN website:
Previews are Thursday and Friday, June 15 and 16, from 10 am to 5 pm, and Saturday, June 17, from 11 am to 3 pm, and also by appointment. Limited preview morning of the sale. For information, 617-661-9582.
Previews: Thursday and Friday, June 16-17 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment – very limited preview morning of sale
A preeminent and most highly respected dealer and collector of American Antiques, both country and formal. Selling approx. 250 lots of American antiques from the wellesley, Massachusetts home of g.w. samaha; followed by selected additions, four shown below:
New England Mahogany low Boy, 31”h; Case 30”w Pair of watercolor Portraits Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Boston sgn. Thomas Edwards, C.1740
James guy evans (1810-1860) brig Henry of n. Kingston…1846, o/C, 29 By 36 in.
rare Pilgrim Century Candle-stand, C. 1680 23.5”h; 16”diaM.
John Brewster, Jr. (Connecticut/Maine, 1766-1854) Portrait of the artist’s sister Betsey avery Brewster, o/C, 31 By 22 in.
Willie Ross, Maine Merganser drake decoy, 26”
Gorham aesthetic repousse sterling Coffee service, 71 troy oz.
Cast iron doorstop in original Paint 12.5”h
Chandler & Ward Concord, New Hampshire (1) of (10) tall Clocks
New England William and Mary Maple and Pine single-leaf table 25.5”h; 31”diam.
Rhode Island Chippendale tiger Maple Chest-on-Chest 86”h; 37.5”w
Windsor Comb-Back Armchair one of many Windsors to be sold
the Storer family Boston Chippendale Block-front, Mahogany secretary/desk, 89” tall
American primitive portrait oil on Canvas, 28 By 23 in.
William Kaula (American, 1871-1953) New Hampshire oil on Three Canvases; Side panels 24 By 15 in.; Center 24 By 29 in.
untouched surface Connecticut Chippendale Cherry Block-front Chest, Case 32”
painted Cast iron Trade Sign, 18”
emile a. gruppe (American, 1896-1978) oil on Canvas, 25 By 30 in.
one oF Seven gruppe oilS To Be Sold From a Family, Friends of The artist American primitive porTraiT oil on CanvaS, 32 By 26 in.
Watercolor By Abigail Eliza Beaumont c. 1815, 13 by 20.5 in.
mourning needlework, 1809 to the memory of s.a. hyde, 8 By 23 in.
new england william and mary
CheST in old Blue painT 38”h; 36”w
BoSTon Chippendale mahogany BloCk-FronT, Ball and Claw FooT CheST, CaSe 32”
From a weTherSField, CT. eSTaTe purChaed From iSrael SaCk
Simon willard mahogany roxBury CaSed Tall CloCk, 87”
followed by selected additions incl. a simon willard tall clock and a chippendale, block-front, ball and claw chest from wethersfield, conn.
Untouched surface Connecticut Chippendale Cherry Block-front Chest, Case 32”
James guy evans (1810-1860) Brig Henry of n. KIngston…1846, o/C, 29 By 36 in.
John Brewster, Jr. (Connecticut/Maine, 1766-1854) Portrait of the artist’s sister, Betsey avery Brewster o/C, 31 By 22 in.
Rare new england Pilgrim Century Candlestand, C.1680 also: (1) of (12) windsor arMChairs
Mourning needlework, 1809 to the memory of s.a. hyde, 8 By 23 in.
Sailor’s whaleBone oBJeCts
Child’s Pine Potty Chair in original red Paint w/ heart and diaMond Cut-outs, 25”h
sixteen CloCks will Be sold inCl. 10 tall CloCks
GO TO OUR WEBSITE FOR ON-LINE CATALOGUE ANd BId FORMS left: ZaCheus gates Charlestown, Mass. C. 1820, 35”
the storer faMily Boston ChiPPendale Mahogany BloCk-front seCretary/desk ex. aMelia PeaBody estate
unsigned ohio full-stoCk, 62.5”
BIsle full-stoCk, Pa., 58” worCester County-style
allegheny County Brown/PItts half-stoCk, 49”
new england williaM and Mary Chest in old Blue Paint
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036