Cordier Cigarette Card, Book & Ephemera Online Auction
June 12 at 10 am
Previews by Appointment
LIFELONG COLLECTION OF CIGARETTE, TOBACCO, AND TRADE CARDS! Includes Allen & Ginter, John Player & Sons, God- frey Phillips, Lambert & Butler, Odgen’s, Wills, Dukes, F&J Smith. Full and partial sets: Real Photographic Images, Ask for Allman-Always, Boy Scouts, Military, Actor & Actresses, Boxing Personalities, Roy Rog- ers, The Beatles, Breeds of Horses, Indian Chiefs, Playboy, Disney, James Bond, Talk of the Diamond, Tour Around the World, Histories of Generals Booklets, Arthur
Wardle, Vintage Beauties. BOOKS: First Editions, First Printings, and Signed. John O’Hara Collection; Art & Architecture; Jo- seph Conrad Ltd Ed; Local History; Novels; Medical; Pop-Up; Photography; Oversized 17th C Easter Season Book of Vespers, Marvella Spain; Vintage Automobile Man- uals. TRADING CARDS: Sci-Fi and Fantasy; Garbage Pail Kids Complete Set 1-12 & Un- opened Wax Packs. DOCUMENTS: George Washington Secretarial; Deeds and Inden- tures incl John Penn; Military Supply Re-quests; Ledgers incl Civil War; Draft Maps; Military Commission. ADVERTISING: Fans; Peanuts incl Planters, Elephant, Squirrel Robinson Crusoe. ILLUSTRATIONS: Male Magazine, Maynard Dixon. BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA: Awards; Typewriter, Hats, Film, Manuals. OTHER: Columbian Expo Model; Lindberg Commemorative Ribbon; Pinbacks; Images incl Cased; Punchboards Unpunched incl Pin Ups, Card Game, Her- shey, Sports; Autographs incl Buffalo Bill, Film and Television.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036