Bill Spicer Auction
June 22, 2022 at 5pm
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple: 1515 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown, RI (auctioneer # 2954)
Viewing at Noon
FURNITURE: Baker’s table; step-back cupboard; country step-back writing desk; 2 blanket chests; country lift top desks; child’s step back cupboard; mill wagon, child’s primitive highchair; one-drawer stand; mirror with eagle;
MISC: Abe Lincoln bronze plaque by Victor D. Brenner ; “Veille de Wacram” iron sculpture, France; Oriental garden seats; early metal India animal box – gift of “Jai, the Maharajah of Jaipur”; Rolleiflex camera; Tramp Art 6-drawer box; Shaker oval pantry box; Shaker butter churn; Figure-8 clock; 2 Hopi baskets; Matterson basket; other baskets, trencher; “State Forest boundary, CT” sign; wooden decoys; 2 cranberry lamps; 2 Victorian sleds; 2 Theorems by N. Greshens; 1844 Annis Welles sampler; family records sampler, 1768-1872; 1814 sampler by Dudley; applique in frame; baseball glove; skater’s lamp; lg cast iron pan; Griswold C.I. pan w/ top; gas lamp shades; brass port hole; Vintage clothing lot; 3 goose decoys; Joseph Guarnerius violin; Heit deluxe electric guitar; “National Cash Register”; Densmore typewriter; 2 metal birds on a nest; dome top box, old finish; 45 records;
GLASS/POTTERY: Imperial grape pitcher; amber pitcher & 4 glasses; Lorraine Williams pottery; Nancy Yazzie & Marino Quezada pottery; Peach Blow glassware; Meissen items; Rose Medallion bowl; Oriental charger; Pr Asian vases; lg Oriental vase; Victorian glassware; Fenton glass; bride’s basket; Steuben Rosaline container; 2 cut to clear green cologne bottles; Northwood bowl; Cinnabar vase; set of Copeland Spode’s Tower dishes; 21” Flow Blue platter; Flow Blue tea pots & covered dishes; German steins; pink transfer dishes; L. Chace jug w/ blue; Jugs and one crock with blue design; Sprigware dishes; lg set of Paradise Crescent ware dishes; biscuit jar; over 35pcs Royal Doulton; porcelain figure deco woman;
JEWELRY: sterling vase; Concho belt; 24 Native American cuff bracelets; Navajo Ranger belt; Hopi belt buckle; 14K Pulsar watch; other Native American jewelry; Elgin National coin silver watch #36389;
EPHEMERA: 2 vols “Rise & Fall of Confederate Gov’t”, 1881; 2 boxes of glass negatives; box of vintage 1944 King Feature Comic cards (exc. Cond.); “The Great Outdoors” 1st edition book by Brown & Bigelow; trade card album; post cards; 1875 3 vols “History of U.S. America”; lot of German books;
MILITARY: Savage Arms 380 U.S. pistol; 2 Waffenfabrik Bern M78 bolt action rifles; Peabody & Martini patents rifle, Prov Tool Co; Browning 7.65 U.S. Army pistol with original paperwork; German DLV dagger; German helmet with insignia; German helmet w/ dbl decal (no liner); German Para trooper helmet, single decal M38; model 1911 pistol; WWII German police helmet; WWII German canteen; German 3rd Reich WWII gas mask; 6 sheets of military pins and badges; 2 German banner, one is 108” long; Adolf Braun, Berlin, German naval sword with lion head; WWI U.S. knuckle knife; model 1898 Springfield Armory rifle; M1 Grand U.S. WWII rifle – Springfield Armory; black powder rifle/ pistols; German Nazi flare gun; Walther P38 and 7.65 (PPK) pistols; 6.35 German pistol; Russian Cossack WWII sword; 2, SS German armbands; 2 bayonets; model 21 Winchester 16-gauge dbl barrel shotgun; military snow shoes; military winter globes; 2 U.S. staff officer’s swords; 1862 Civil War saber; wrought iron crosses, WWI; Pilot helmet Luftwaffe, German; Hitler youth misc lot; German belt buckles; 2 Civil War powder flasks; 1945, Mark I quartermasters spy glass; Zak, Germany knife; Army Naval Elec. Co cannon; 2 prs Harvard Lock Co handcuffs, 1900’s;
TOOLS: H. Wells jointer planer; Farriers box; Craftsman sextant; compass on stand; telescope; balance scale; arrow heads; fishing poles/lures; fishing tilts; 2, 12” fishing floats; 2, new Craftsman chainsaws; 6 boat oars;
PAINTINGS: oil/c portrait of woman & dog by Henry Bacon, 40”x28”; oil/c man, signed & dated 1874, 14”x11”; oil/c by H. A. Husson, 1841 of people & oxen, 24”x18”; 2 Indian buckskin paintings; still life by W. Anne Weber; David Davidson pictures; 10pc Fashion pictures; 2 Maxfield Parish pictures; oil/c by J. A. Dean 35”x24”; 2 oils/b by Gordon F. Peers 21”x17”; drawings by Fritz Eichenberg;
TOYS “Castrol” gas powered child’s model T; 2 boxes of doll furniture; 2 Hubley trucks; “Barber Greene” model toy; Woolridge model toy truck; Lionel #3330-100 diving submarine; Lionel trains;
Cash. RI or known check only. Mastercard/Visa.
15% buyer’s premium – 3% discount cash, check or debit DEALERS – BRING PROOF OF TAX NUMBER
276 Widow Sweets Rd., Exeter, R.I. 02822 401 265-5104
DIRECTIONS: FROM CT, take 95 north to exit 5A (102 S). follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3 and continue on 102 for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
FROM MASS: take 95 south to exit 9 (Rt 4), follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N). stay on 102 for 1⁄4 mile. Temple is on right.
Shaker butter churn
Concho belt
Pilot helmet Luftwaffe, German
oil/c man, signed & dated 1874, 14”x11”
Shaker oval pantry box, old finish
Steuben Rosaline container
Waffenfabrik Bern M78 bolt action rifle
Tramp Art 6-drawer box
German Para trooper helmet, single decal M38
metal animal box – gift of “Jai, the Maharajah of Jaipur”
oil/c woman & dog by Henry Bacon, 40”x 28”
Matterson basket
Jugs and one crock with blue design
Browning 7.65 U.S. Army pistol
Lincoln bronze plaque by Victor D. Brenner
Country step-back writing desk
“Castrol” gas powered child’s model T
German DLV dagger
Adolf Braun, Berlin naval sword (lion head)
1862 Civil War saber
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036