The Auction Barn Estate Auction
June 13 at 6 pm
99 Railroad St., New Milford, CT
Preview: Sat June 11, 10am-4pm, Sun June 12 Noon-4pm, Monday 13 Noon till auction
Petrified Redwood Wood From Holbrook Arizona Estimated to be 225 million years old
Japanese Bronze Vase With Dragon Motif Base 19”h x 10”diam.
Mohammad Ali Cassius Clay Signed Boxing Glove 12”L.
Paul Cadmus Still Life “Black Still Life” Signed (LR) Oil on Board Provenance , Midtown Galleries, NYC Sight is 12 1/4” x 18”
Black Bear Rug, 69” x 56 1/2”
Contemp. Lucite Base And Glass Top Cof- fee Table Measures 13”h x 55”w x 38”d
Dong Kingman, Hong Kong Harbor Watercolor , signed (LR) Provenance, Midtown Gallery, NYC Sight is 19 1/4” x 26”
Heriz Style Rug, Machine made 11’9” x 8’ 2”
A Signed New York Mets Batting Helmet Signed by Bobby Val- entine, Edgardo Alfonzo #13, Joe McEwing #47, Jay Payton #44, Timo Perez #6, Mookie Wilson, Ty Wigginton, and one other signature. Size 6 7/8
Vienna Cold Painted Bronze of Arab in Tent Lamp Franz Bergman Monogram. Signed Geschuzt. 14”h x 8”w x 6”d.
Al Hirschfeld, Barbara Streisand. Etching, edition 25, signed and numbered. Overall is 24” x 20”
La Fortune Bronze Signed Hip Moreau 24 3/4”h x 11”w x 11”d
R&Y Augousti, London “Doris” Vanity Encrusted eggshell, bone, and shagreen, with beveled mirrored glass. 61 3/4”h x 26”w x 22 1/2”d
Georgian Mahogany Tall Case Clock By James Wilson. 88”h x 19 1/2”w x 10”d.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036